Long Haired Dachshunds: Fun Facts, Health, Care, and Training Tips (2024)


For people who love the Dachshund but are looking for something a bit more elegant and stylish, the long-haired Dachshund is a perfect choice. While all three coat types are true Dachshunds, there really is a bit of a personality difference between each type and the coat care is of course, also different.

Keep reading to learn more about the personality traits of a long-haired Dachshund, coat care, nutrition, exercise, and fun facts about these hairy little sausages. For me, the long-haired Dachshund will always hold a special place as one of my all-time favorite dogs is a long-haired Doxie named Derek.

To learn more about Dachshunds in general, check out the complete breed profile and including history, health, care, nutrition, and frequently asked questions. This should be your go-to resource for all things Dachshund.

Table of Contents

What Does A Long-haired Dachshund Look Like?

The long-haired Dachshund looks similar to the short-haired variety except they have longer hair. Most will have long hair on their ears, legs, skirts, and tails. Their body will also have long hair.

The long-haired Dachshund comes in solid colorsincluding red, English cream, Isabella, and black (Check our article on different color and coats of dachshund). You can also find them in black and tan and chocolate and tan. If you like patterns, you may enjoy a dapple or piebald coat pattern on the long-haired Doxie.

Long Haired Dachshunds: Fun Facts, Health, Care, and Training Tips (1)

Long-Haired Dachshunds At A Glance

Colors Red, Black/Tan, Chocolate/Tan, Isabella, English Cream, Brindle,
Color Patterns Solid, Dapple, Pie-bald
Temperament Stubborn, energetic, loyal, friendly
Height 8-9 inches for standard; 5-6 inches for a miniature
Weight 16-32 inches for standards; 11 pounds and under for miniature
Hypoallergenic No
Grooming Needs Moderate
Shedding Moderate to heavy
Health Problems IVDD, PRA, obesity, dental and gum issues, DVMD, Cushing’s Disease, Lafora, cancers, and tumors
Exercise Needs 30-60 minutes a day

Long-haired Dachshund Fun Facts

  • They are tenacious hunters and possess a very strong prey drive
  • They do come in miniature and standard sizes
  • They love toys and treats
  • You can find them in a variety of colors and patterns (avoid the double dapples)
  • Like short-haired Dachshunds, they love to burrow in blankets
  • They can be stubborn
  • Life expectancy is slightly higher than the average 12-15 years
  • A long-haired Dachshund can cost between $1200-$2500
  • They do not make good agility dogs because of the jumps

Pros and Cons of Owning a Long-haired Dachshund

Pros Cons
Loyal to the entire family More grooming is required than on a short-haired
Smart and easy to train Can be very stubborn when they want something
More of a spaniel nature More shedding, especially during seasonal changes and hormonal changes
Elegant to look at Can develop a dog smell when not groomed and bathed regularly
Very happy and affectionate Great runners and diggers

Brief History/Origin Long Haired Dachshund

Long Haired Dachshunds: Fun Facts, Health, Care, and Training Tips (2)

It is common knowledge that in order to have a long-haired Dachshund, the Dachshund was cross-bred with some type of long-haired dog. The common belief is that it was a small spaniel that was used to introduce the long-haired gene into the Dachshund breed.

Breeders who liked these long-haired versions of the Dachshund began producing a specific type, one that looked very much like a Doxie but with longer hair. The spaniel temperament does come through and you get a little bit different personality from the short-haired and wire-haired variety.

Long-haired Dachshund Temperament

Long Haired Dachshunds: Fun Facts, Health, Care, and Training Tips (3)

The long-haired Dachshund is very similar to that the short-haired Dachshund; they are curious, stubborn, happy, motivated by treats, and very intelligent. They can be tenacious and expect you to cater to them and yes, they can easily excavate your yard for you in just a few hours if left alone too long.

That being said, a true long-haired, meaning a Dachshund that has two long-haired parents, will have a somewhat different demeanor than the short-haired and even the wire-haired Doxie. A Dachshund that only has one parent that is long-haired or even comes from two short-haired Dachshunds will have a slightly different temperament.

A long-haired Dachshund is typically thought to be sweeter, calmer, easier to train, and generally more laid back than the other two coat varieties. A true long-haired, one that does not have a short-haired or even wirehair parent will be a family companion and not pick one favorite person in the home.

A long-haired Dachshund that is not from two long-haired parents can be more like their short-haired or wirehair parent so it is important to know the parentage of your Dachshund to be able to gauge how they will be in temperament and personality as an adult.

My current long-haired Dachshund, Derek, has one long-haired parent (his mother) and one short-haired parent (his father). I raised him from birth and while he has the look of a long-haired Dachshund, he is most definitely a one-person dog and is extremely stubborn.

The long-haired Doxie I had before Derek was his mother, Dawn and she had two long-haired parents. Her temperament was truly phenomenal; she loved everyone and never met a stranger. She did not have a favorite person but spent time with each family member.

How Much Exercise Does A Long-haired Dachshund Need?

Long Haired Dachshunds: Fun Facts, Health, Care, and Training Tips (4)

The exercise requirements for a long-haired Dachshund are the same as with any coat type, they will need at least 30 minutes of fast-paced exercise a day. It is better for them if they can get 30 minutes in the morning and then another 30 minutes in the evening.

Dachshunds are naturally athletic, love to dig, and love to run. They should never be couch potatoes and not get outside in the fresh air and sunshine for a quick run and playtime. If you do not have the time to take them on a walk, make sure your yard is secure and let them run and play with toys while you keep watching.

Some people even go so far as to build obstacle courses and sand pits for their Doxie to keep them active without the dog digging up the yard or flower garden. Just be careful that you are not including jumps and things that can jar their spines, causing back problems later in life.

Long-haired Dachshund Grooming Needs

Long Haired Dachshunds: Fun Facts, Health, Care, and Training Tips (5)

Obviously, the easiest coat type to care for is short-haired, but the long-haired is also not as horrible as some people may think. Yes, their long, luxurious coat can tangle and get twigs and leaves snagged. But, if you groom them regularly, you will not have a mess.

I groom my long-haired Dachshunds at least two times a week. I use a pin brush and a steel comb along with a great detangler. Spritz ears, feathering, and skirts with detangler and comb through their ears, skirts, tail, and legs to remove any debris and tangles, and then use the pin brush to go back over them from head to toe.

Once a week I clean their ears using a pre-moistened alcohol pad and check for any excessive wax build-up or any odd odors. If you notice a foul smell or excessive wax, make an appointment with your vet and have them checked for mites or infection.

Once every two to three weeks I trim toenails. I do this myself and while Dachshunds are notorious for not liking their feet touched or their nails clipped, a treat or a chew bone works wonders for getting them to cooperate.

For a long-haired, you will also want to trim the hair between their paw pads, this hair does grow quite a bit and will cause them to slip and slide on tile or wood floors. They will also bring more dirt and mud in the house or snow and ice will accumulate between their pads in the winter causing them pain.

Bathing your long-haired Dachshund should be every six to eight weeks, if you bathe more often you can cause them to develop dry skin or even irritated skin. A good waterless shampoo or even cornstarch sprinkled through their coat and then brushed out works wonders to refresh them between baths.

Nutrition/Diet and Feeding Long-haired Dachshund

Long Haired Dachshunds: Fun Facts, Health, Care, and Training Tips (6)

Long-haired Dachshunds are just like short-haired and wirehair Dachshunds; they require a quality kibble that is appropriate for their life stage. You obviously do not want to give a Doxie puppy an adult kibble and a senior Doxie should never be given puppy food.

Many people believe in feeding a raw diet or a grain-free diet. I am not a believer in either, however, if you are able to properly balance their diet and wish to feed raw, then that is what you should do. Many people lack the knowledge to properly balance a raw diet and their Dachshund ends up lacking in nutrients so do your research beforehand.

I am a firm believer that a canine does need some form of grain in their diet. That does not mean you find food that is grain-based or heavy in the grain department. When looking for quality food, start by asking your dog’s breeder for suggestions. If you have a rescue, look at the analysis and ingredient list before deciding.

Puppies need much more protein and fat than adults, seniors need less. Puppies should be off puppy food completely by the time they reach one year of age. Many dog food companies like to categorize senior dogs as being age 7 or older. I feel that Dachshunds, do not reach senior status until they are about 10 years old and do not need a senior diet until they are near 10 years.

Feeding your long-haired Dachshund will depend on your Doxie’s lifestyle. Puppies should be given food free choice and have access to it throughout the day. Once they reach about 6 months if you notice they are overeating or becoming rather plump, you will then want to start limiting their food consumption.

An adult long-haired Dachshund that is intact (not spayed or neutered) and is very active will require more food than a Doxie that is intact and not very active. A Dachshund that has been altered (spayed or neutered) does have a metabolism shift when they are altered and will require close monitoring to ensure they do not gain weight.

An altered Dachshund, no matter the coat type, will need to be encouraged to remain active and will most likely have to be on limited food. I know many vets will argue this point, but I have had dogs in several breeds struggle with activity levels and weight gain after being altered.

Once your long-haired Dachshund reaches his or her senior years, you will notice a decline in their activity levels and there should also be a shift in their eating patterns as well. They will eat less and will require food that has an easier-to-digest protein and much less fat content.

Long-Haired Dachshund Potential Health Problems

Long Haired Dachshunds: Fun Facts, Health, Care, and Training Tips (7)

The long-haired Dachshund has the same health concerns as the other two coat varieties. The thing to remember about long-haired Doxies is that Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) is very prevalent in this variety and your long-haired will need to have a genetic test done to see if they carry the gene.

If your long-haired Dachshund is found to have two copies of the gene that causes PRA, you will need to have annual exams by a canine ophthalmologist to catch any changes to your dog’s vision due to PRA. A dog that is affected with PRA will eventually go blind from this genetic disorder.

Another health concern for all Doxies is IVDD or intervertebral disc disease. It affects the spine of long-backed, short-legged dogs. In milder cases, there is partial paralysis or loss of feeling and function in the limbs.

Dogs with a severe case of IVDD can have complete paralysis of the hindquarters. Dachshunds have the most documented cases of IVDD but it can affect any dog breed, especially those with an elongated spine and shorter legs.

Other health problems include degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD), tumors and cancer, Cushing’s disease, and Lafora disease. Dachshunds in general are also prone to obesity so you will want to keep them active and at their optimal weight.

Other issues:

  • Dachshund Common Skin Ailments
  • Vomiting in Dachshunds

Is it Easy to Train A Long-haired Dachshund? and How?

Long Haired Dachshunds: Fun Facts, Health, Care, and Training Tips (8)

Long-haired Dachshunds generally are slightly easier to train than the other two coat types. This is probably because of the spaniel that was introduced to get the long-haired gene. Most spaniels are very active but easy to train as they want to please their owner.

Don’t be fooled though, there is a stubborn streak in ALL dachshunds regardless of coat type. The long-haired Doxie may not show their stubbornness until there is something they really want to do but believe me, it is there.

Always start your Dachshund training at a young age and always with a positive attitude. One thing I have learned over the years, a Dachshund will work for food! Find a treat they cannot resist and they will learn very quickly.

Positive reinforcement with your long-haired Dachshund is essential, harsh training tactics will not work well with your Doxie. Always be consistent when training and ensure that you are using the same commands each time so they learn what is expected.

Have fun when training your long-haired Dachshund and remember to give them lots of praise and a treat when they do something right. End each training session on a positive note and keep training sessions short, usually 10-15 minutes maximum.


  • Dachshund Puppy Leash Training
  • Dachshund Puppy Training Guide
  • How To Crate Train A Dachshund
  • Housebreaking a Dachshund

Frequently Asked Questions

Do long-haired Dachshunds shed?

Yes, long-haired Dachshunds shed. You will especially notice shedding when the seasons turn from winter to spring and into summer. Their undercoat will begin to loosen and come out. Intact females that have regular heat cycles will also shed after each cycle.

Are long-haired Dachshunds as stubborn as other coat types?

The long-haired Dachshund will generally want to please you, however, their stubbornness will come to light when they decide they have had enough or they do not want to do something.

Generally, a long-haired Dachshund is easy-going but if they are on the hunt or enjoying an activity, expect them to not listen well. Most Dachshunds, regardless of coat type, can be won over with treats when you are trying to get them to cooperate with you.

Why does my long-haired Dachshund not have really long hair?

You may notice that your long-haired Dachshund does not have the elegant fringe on their ears, legs, and skirts that you see other long-haired dachshunds have. Long-haired dachshunds that have one parent that is not long-haired or are long-haired by recessive genes (meaning both parents are a different coat type but have the long-haired gene) will many times not develop a plush, elegant coat.

Also, if your long-haired Dachshund is not being groomed as often or has just gone through a shedding cycle, the hair will not be as long. If you want your Dachshund to look like the ones you see in the show ring, you will have to invest time and energy into keeping their coat properly conditioned.

How can I tell if my Dachshund puppy is long-haired?

Long Haired Dachshunds: Fun Facts, Health, Care, and Training Tips (9)

Unless both parents are long-haired, even an experienced breeder will not know if a puppy is short-haired or long-haired until the puppy is about 3 weeks old. At 3 weeks of age, the feathering on their legs begins to thicken and so does their body hair.

At about 4 weeks old, the hair on the ears will begin to lengthen and that is when most breeders are most comfortable with saying a puppy is long-haired. As the puppy matures, more and more of the fringe and coat will come in making the coat type obvious.

How long does it take for a long-haired Dachshund to get their full coat?

It will seriously depend on the bloodlines, diet, and conditioning of the coat. A long-haired Dachshund will typically lose their puppy coat at about a year old and then grow in their adult coat. Figure your long-haired will have their full coat by two years old.

My long-haired Dachshund scratches all the time, what can cause this?

Check your Doxie thoroughly for any fleas or mites that may be causing irritation. If you see fleas, bathe them and then treat them with a topical flea treatment such as Frontline Plus. You can also ask your vet for a flea repellent and preventative.

If you do not see fleas or other pests, look for dry, flaky skin. Dry skin can cause intense itching and make your Dachshund miserable. Should you discover that your long-haired Dachshund has dry skin, add more fat and oil into their diet.

Allergies can also cause itching as ear infections or ear mites. If you do not see an obvious reason for your dog’s itching, consult your veterinarian and have them check their ears for any signs of infections.

Food allergies are common and usually, an elimination diet is needed to determine what the offending food is that is causing the problem. Therefore, ask your veterinarian if the itching could be caused by food allergies.

Where did the long-haired Dachshund originate?

This has been a question that many people tend to disagree on. The majority of the Dachshund breeders do agree that the long-haired Dachshund originated in German, the same as the short-haired and wire-haired dachshund.

However, some Dachshund enthusiasts claim they were actually first bred in either the United States or England and then imported into Germany and incorporated into the breed as a coat variant.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) and Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) both claim the Dachshund, including all three coat types originated in their native Germany.

Where can I find a long-haired Dachshund?

Long Haired Dachshunds: Fun Facts, Health, Care, and Training Tips (10)

If you are looking for a Dachshund rescue group, check with the Dachshund Club of America for a list of rescues near you. You can also check with the local animal shelters and rescue groups for all breeds in case one is surrendered and in need of a home.

There are also Dachshund rescue groups on different social media platforms if you are looking to adopt.

There are several reputable breeders of long-haired Dachshunds that are more than willing to help you find the right puppy or even adult that will fit your family’s needs.

Do your research on whether you are adopting a rescue or purchasing from a breeder. Make sure you are comfortable with the organization or breeder and ask questions. A good rescue group (and breeder) will ask you questions and want to know a good deal about the home you are offering a long-haired Dachshund Puppy.

Is A Long-haired Dachshund Right For You?

Long Haired Dachshunds: Fun Facts, Health, Care, and Training Tips (11)

Determining whether the long-haired Dachshund is right for you should be relatively easy. If you are not a fan of shedding dogs, this is not the coat variety for you. If you are also not a fan of having to groom your dog often, you will want to avoid a long-haired dog.

Long-haired Dachshunds are fantastic dogs, but they will get a “dog smell” if it has been too long between baths. Therefore, grooming and freshening the coat is a must. Bathing every six to eight weeks is important.

If you are looking for a dog that is kind of like a spaniel yet still a Dachshund, this is the dog for you. Or, if you love the Dachshund but would like the one that has an elegance about them, this is the coat type for you.


Long Haired Dachshunds: Fun Facts, Health, Care, and Training Tips (2024)


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