Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (2024)

Long-haired dachshunds are the long-haired version of the adorable and beloved dachshund breed. They’re spunky, affectionate dogs who also have a stubborn streak. Their nicknames include “wiener dog,” “sausage dog,” and “doxie.”

Once upon a time, long-haired dachshunds were hunting dogs that braved badger dens. Though they can still be used to hunt, today, they’re more often seen as companion animals. Regardless of their role, you can expect the long-haired dachshund to be courageous and curious with a big bark.

Today, we’ll be sharing an extensive guide about all things long-haired dachshund. We’ll answer a multitude of questions about the breed, including questions about temperament, health, and grooming needs.

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We’ll also talk about what kind of living situations are suitable for dachshunds. Are they good apartment dogs? Can they live with small animals? We’ll answer these questions and many, many more. If you’ve got a question about long-haired dachshunds, then we’ve likely got the answer, so keep reading!

A Quick Look at Long-Haired Dachshunds

We know our article is extensive, but there’s a lot to be said about long-haired dachshunds! To make things easier to digest, we’ve created this chart to give you a brief overview of the breed.

Weight/HeightStandard: 8-9 inches, 16-32 pounds; Miniature: 5-6 inches, 11 pounds and under
Coat TypeLong and sleek
Grooming NeedsLong-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (1)
SheddingLong-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (2)
Temperament Affectionate, stubborn, curious, willful
Good With KidsLong-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (3)
Good With Other AnimalsLong-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (4)
IntelligenceLong-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (5)
Easy to TrainLong-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (6)
Energy LevelLong-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (7)
Barking HabitsLong-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (8)
Lifespan12-16 years

What Is the History of Long-Haired Dachshunds?

“Dachshund” is a German word meaning “badger dog.” As you can guess, this breed originated in Germany, and its roots can be traced back as early as the 15th century. As the name suggests, dachshunds were used for hunting badgers. Their loud bark allowed hunters to know their position underground.

The different coat types — short, wiry, and long — allowed hunters to use dachshunds in different climates and terrains. Today, dachshunds can still be used for hunting but are commonly found as companion pets.

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (9)

What Do Long-Haired Dachshunds Look Like?

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (10)Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (11)Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (12)Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (13)

Affectionately nicknamed the “wiener dog,” dachshunds have a distinct body shape. They are long and thin like a hot dog and have short legs. Long-haired dachshunds have long fur that is wavy in some places and may even touch the floor.

This breed comes in numerous colors, from classic black and tan to shades like wheaten, fawn, and cream. Dachshunds can also sport markings such as dapple, piebald, or brindle, to name a few.

What Size Is a Long-Haired Dachshund?

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In terms of size, dachshunds come in two varieties: standard and miniature. The standard dachshund is 6-9 inches tall and weighs between 16-35 pounds. The miniature is 5-6 inches tall and weighs 11 pounds or less.

What Is a Long-Haired Dachshund’s Coat Type?

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (15)

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (16)

The long-haired dachshund has a sleek coat that is somewhat wavy around the neck, chest, ears, belly, and back of the legs. The coat may be slightly longer in these areas as well.

What Is a Long-Haired Dachshund’s Temperament?

Long-haired dachshunds are said to have friendlier personalities than their wire-haired or smooth-coated counterparts. It’s not uncommon for dachshunds to be “one-person” dogs, meaning they bond closely with one member of the family only. This is less likely (though not impossible) for the long-haired dachshund.

Dachshunds may be aloof around strangers or even wary enough to bark at them. Once again, the long-haired dachshund is said to be friendlier with unfamiliar people than the other coat types. Of course, proper socialization is required for any type of dachshund to be friendly and well-mannered.

Dachshunds are full of personality. They are often courageous and curious, and due to their roots as badger hunters, they enjoy digging. If you don’t want a doxie digging up your yard, then you may want to provide them with a designated digging area such as a sandbox.

Though they’re small, they’re more energetic than you might think. Long-haired dachshunds that get bored will often turn to chewing up objects in your home. This can be avoided by meeting their needs in terms of exercise, training, and play.

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (17)

Are Long-Haired Dachshunds Affectionate?

Long-haired dachshunds are likely to be affectionate with their families. Though they may have times when they prefer to be left alone, they can also enjoy physical affection such as petting, cuddling, and sitting on your lap.

Are Long-Haired Dachshunds Good With Kids?

Though it is not impossible to raise a long-haired dachshund around young children, it is not generally recommended. Dachshunds may growl or snap at children who won’t leave them alone. However, they can do well with older children who understand how to be gentle and respect a dog’s boundaries.

It’s also important to consider that the dachshund’s long back makes them somewhat fragile. Young children may attempt to pick the dog up incorrectly and potentially cause injury. If a doxie is to live with children, they must be respectful and understand how to properly pick the dog up (or be willing to interact with the dog on the floor).

Are Long-Haired Dachshunds Good With Other Animals?

Dachshunds can get along with other dogs and can sometimes do okay with cats as well. When it comes to small animals like rabbits or guinea pigs, however, dachshunds are not your best choice. Remember, dachshunds were originally bred to hunt, and many still have this instinct.

How your dachshund fares around other animals, even dogs, is heavily influenced by the socialization and training they receive as a puppy. They must be taught to leave small animals alone.

Always supervise your dachshund around prey animals and keep the doxie on a leash as an extra precaution. Similarly, you should supervise your dachshund outdoors. While you can teach dogs to stay in the yard, be aware that dachshunds’ hunting instincts will incline them to chase squirrels, rabbits, and other animals outdoors.

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (18)

Are Long-Haired Dachshunds Aggressive?

Long-haired dachshunds are not aggressive. However, they are not meek either. Some dogs are incredibly patient and tolerant and will let you do just about anything to them. A dachshund, however, may let you know when you are bothering them by growling or snapping.

Of course, every dog is an individual. You may meet some long-haired dachshunds that are incredibly sweet and patient and others that are more ornery. As long as you socialize your dachshund during puppyhood and treat them respectfully, you shouldn’t have a problem.

Do Long-Haired Dachshunds Bark a Lot?

If you’re looking for a dog that doesn’t bark, you’ll want to avoid the long-haired dachshund. Dachshunds tend to be pretty vocal, and we wouldn’t be surprised if they like to hear the sound of their own voice. The bright side to this is that doxies make good watchdogs, so you will always know when someone is at your door or in your yard.

But you’ll also be alerted whenever your doxie sees an animal in the yard, hears a car’s brakes squealing, or decides anything is even remotely out of the ordinary. Though a long-haired dachshund’s size is great for apartment living, the size of their bark is not.

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (19)

Are Long-Haired Dachshunds Intelligent?

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (20)

We mentioned that long-haired doxies are stubborn, but the only reason they can be stubborn is because they’re so smart. Doxies are the type of dogs who know exactly when they do and don’t have to listen to you. For instance, they may be able to learn the difference between being on and off-leash.

Careful training from a young age can help prevent this. However, due to their natural instincts to hunt, doxies are quite curious and may prefer to follow scents rather than listen to you.

Are Dachshunds Easy to Train?

The long-haired dachshund’s curiosity and intelligence are both good and bad for training. On the one hand, they are more than capable of learning new skills. On the other, they may get easily distracted and walk away from a training session to investigate whatever piques their interest.

It’s important to use reward-based training in order to motivate a dachshund. Use treats that are of high value to your dog, and don’t let training sessions drag on long enough to get boring. Start with minimal distractions and work your way up to training in areas with more distractions.

While you can certainly train a dachshund by yourself, we always recommend taking a group class because it is a great way to help your puppy learn around distractions such as other people and animals. You’ll also be able to ask the trainer any questions you might have.

If you’ve never trained a dog before, then you’ll definitely want a trainer to help your long-haired dachshund puppy grow up to be a well-mannered dog. As we mentioned, dachshunds can be stubborn and willful. Inexperienced trainers will struggle with this kind of dog.

Dachshunds are capable of learning tricks, but you need to be picky about which types of tricks you teach them. Because their long backs are easily injured, they should not learn any tricks that involve jumping. Similarly, dachshunds cannot participate in activities such as agility training because it is not safe for their backs.

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (21)

Are Long-Haired Dachshunds Energetic?

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (22)

Just because dachshunds are small doesn’t mean they’re couch potatoes. This hunting breed isn’t high-energy, but they are pretty playful. They need at least an hour of exercise per day.

Taking two 30-minute walks is a great way to achieve this as walking is great for a dog’s mental and physical health, and it will not be too strenuous for a dachshund’s size. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with a romp around the yard or a game of fetch, either!

Are Long-Haired Dachshunds Good Apartment Dogs?

Because long-haired dachshunds are small, they can do just fine living in apartments. However, you will need to be committed to taking them for daily walks or bringing them to parks where they can run around and play.

The one thing that makes dachshunds ill-suited to apartment living is their propensity to bark. As we explained, dachshunds are very vocal. This may result in noise complaints from neighbors.

Are Long-Haired Dachshunds Good Watchdogs?

Long-haired dachshunds make for fantastic watchdogs because they are very alert and enjoy barking. They will always let you know if there is something or someone in your yard. Some dachshunds can be protective of their families, but this is not always a good thing.

It’s fine if your dachshund barks to alert you to someone walking up the driveway, but it’s not good if you cannot have guests over because your dog won’t let anyone near you. Once again, proper socialization is the key to preventing this type of behavior. Still, dachshunds are very brave despite their small size.

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (23)

Are Long-Haired Dachshunds Good Service Dogs?

Any dog breed could become a service dog, but we would not generally consider a long-haired dachshund to be a great fit. While there may be some individuals among the breed that are calm and friendly enough to be service dogs, the typical traits of doxies make many of them unsuited for the post.

Service dogs need to be able to ignore their instincts so they can listen to their handlers or even make judgments of their own. Meanwhile, it’s not uncommon for dachshund owners to struggle to get their dogs to listen when the doxie is more interested in following an interesting scent or chasing an animal.

Though most long-haired dachshunds are not cut out for service work of any kind, they can make great emotional support animals (ESAs). Emotional support animals do not need any special training; instead, their presence alone brings solace to those struggling with their mental health.

Dachshunds tend to have a lot of personality and are bound to make their owners smile. Not only that, they can provide comfort by cuddling up in one’s lap.

Their fur is soft and sleek, so stroking a long-haired dachshund is a pleasant and even calming experience for some. If you want a lap-sized emotional support animal, a long-haired dachshund would be a great choice.

How to Care for a Long-Haired Dachshund?

Long-haired dachshunds are a relatively low-maintenance breed. They do not need to be taken to a professional groomer and only need to be brushed around once per week to keep their long fur from tangling.

Do You Need to Groom a Long-Haired Dachshund?

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (24)

Long-haired dachshunds live up to their names in that their fur is, indeed, long. Luckily, it is not long like that of a Yorkie, so there is no need to have a professional groomer tend to a dachshunds coat.

However, because the fur is long, it will be more prone to matting. Brushing the coat at least once a week should prevent this and keep your dog looking sleek and cared for.

Similarly, you should pay attention to the stomach area after a romp outside. Dachshunds are already low to the ground, so debris may get caught in long fur. You may choose to cut the fur on the belly shorter if this becomes a problem.

As with all dogs, you should keep the nails from getting too long. Brushing their teeth once daily is also recommended.

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (25)

Do Long-Haired Dachshunds Shed?

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (26)

Long-haired dachshunds shed year-round, but only moderately. While they don’t shed profusely like Labradors or huskies, you will still find hair on your clothes.

What Should a Long-Haired Dachshund Eat?

You should buy dog food specifically meant for smaller breeds and follow the feeding guidelines on the package. The best dog foods follow AAFCO guidelines, are formulated by veterinary nutritionists, and undergo feeding trials.

It is imperative that a long-haired dachshund does not become overweight. While there are many health issues caused by obesity, the dachshund, in particular, has even more to worry about. Extra weight can put stress on the dachshund’s long back and even lead to herniated discs.

Therefore, dachshund owners have to be extra careful about giving treats. Treats should be factored into the dog’s overall diet and daily calorie intake.

Following the guidelines on a bag of dog food is a good place to start, but it often does not factor in the extra calories your dog will get from treats or handouts. Therefore, you can determine your dog’s calorie needs using online calculators or by doing the math yourself.

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (27)

What Health Problems Do Long-Haired Dachshunds Have?

The biggest concern for the long-haired dachshund is the spine. Because of their long backs, dachshunds are predisposed to conditions such as intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). This occurs when a disc slips out of place and presses against the spinal cord.

IVDD causes severe back pain and often impairs mobility. A dachshund suffering from IVDD may have lameness in the back legs and prefer to lay around to avoid painful movement.

Intervertebral disc disease is usually treated with physical therapy and medication, but severe cases require surgery. This is why it is so important for dachshund owners to prevent obesity and avoid activities that could injure the back.

Other health issues dachshunds may suffer from include heart disease, hypothyroidism, and various eye disorders. When getting a dachshund through a breeder, you should check that the breeder has subjected the parent dogs to various health testing to ensure good health is passed on to the offspring.

How Long Do Long-Haired Dachshunds Live?

On average, long-haired dachshunds live 12 to 16 years.

Are Long-Haired Dachshunds Expensive?

Depending on the breeder, prices can vary quite a bit. You may see some dogs that cost around $1000 and others listed for $3500. The difference usually has to do with the breeder’s credentials and whether the dogs are being sold as pets or as show dogs.

Show dogs tend to be more expensive because their pedigree matters much more. Show dogs must fit the AKC standard to a T, or they will receive faults and definitely won’t have a chance at winning Best in Show.

Meanwhile, those who simply want a long-haired dachshund as a pet will not care if the dog exhibits any faults as long as those faults would not negatively affect the dog’s health. Believe it or not, certain coat colors are considered faults because they do not fit the standard of the breed.

Dachshunds can be adopted from shelters as well. Shelter dogs are far more affordable than those being sold by breeders. However, you may not be able to get a puppy, and you also may not know anything about the dog’s history.

When it comes to a dachshund’s care, they usually are not more expensive than any other breed. However, they can rack up a decent amount of vet bills if they develop IVDD or other health issues.

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (28)

How to Find a Long-Haired Dachshund Breeder?

We already know you are perfectly capable of using tools like Google, Petfinder, and the AKC’s “puppy finder.” So, we won’t waste your time telling you how to look for breeders. Instead, we’d like to share with you some questions you should ask a potential breeder or agency.

  • What are your credentials? You should learn about how long the breeder has been in business as well as how familiar they are with long-haired dachshunds as a breed. This is even more important if you plan to show your dog.
  • Have the parent animals undergone health testing? Ask to see these tests.
  • Can I see where the dogs are kept? A respectable agency or breeder should be happy to show you the dogs’ living conditions.
  • Can I meet the parents? If possible, this will give you a sense of the parent dogs’ temperaments and the potential temperaments of the puppies.
  • How do you socialize your puppies? Socialization is important for puppies to become friendly and confident.
  • Are the puppies up-to-date on vaccination? You need to know your puppy’s health history so that you know which shots are still needed.
  • Do you offer a health guarantee with a contract? Some facilities or breeders guarantee the health of their puppies: should your puppy come down with a serious illness early on, they may offer to reimburse the purchase price of the dog or even take the puppy back. This will also help you avoid purchasing from breeders who are irresponsible.
  • What do you require of potential adopters? Many breeders and agencies want to make sure their puppies are going to homes where they will be treated well and kept for life. Therefore, they may ask a number of questions about you, your situation, and your experience as a dog owner.

Can You Adopt a Long-Haired Dachshund?

Long-haired dachshunds are not commonly found at the local shelter, though it isn’t impossible. If you want to adopt a dachshund, you’d be better off looking for a rescue dedicated to the breed, such as Midwest Dachshund Rescue or Dachshund Rescue of North America.

If these particular rescues are not in your area or you’re not willing to travel for one of these dogs, then try searching “dachshund rescues near me” on Google. You can also call local shelters and ask them if they can direct you to any resources that may help you adopt a dachshund in need of a home.

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (29)

Are Long-Haired Dachshunds Purebred?

Long-haired dachshunds are simply dachshunds that have a long, sleek coat. Dachshunds are a breed recognized by the AKC, and long-haired coats are also considered acceptable by the breed standard. Therefore, long-haired dachshunds are purebred dogs as long as they are born from two dachshund parents.

Some people do note the difference between a long-haired dachshund with two long-haired parents versus a long-haired dachshund with only one long-haired parent. While both are technically purebred, some people believe that those with two long-haired parents are more likely to have a better temperament.

Can You Show Long-Haired Dachsunds?

Long-haired dachshunds can absolutely be shown in dog shows. In fact, if you’ve ever watched a dog show on TV, then you’ve probably seen one! If you’re interested in showing your dog, be sure to pick a puppy from parents that fit the breed standard.

There are actually some coat colors, such as fawn and black, that are not considered standard and would disqualify the dog from being shown, or at the very least be penalized as a fault. Make sure to purchase a dachshund for showing from a reputable breeder who has produced show dogs before, if possible.

Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (30)

Are Long-Haired Dachshunds Good for New Dog Owners?

Because dachshunds can be stubborn and willful, they aren’t always the best choice for inexperienced dog owners. However, someone who does a lot of research beforehand, learns about dog behavior and training, and hires a professional dog trainer would be capable of taking on a dachshund even if they have never owned a dog in the past.

Is a Long-Haired Dachshund the Right Dog for Me?

Long-haired dachshunds can make lovely companions, but they aren’t for everyone. They can be rather yappy and aren’t great with young children and thus do not make the best family dogs. On the other hand, they can be very cuddly with their owners and will bond strongly. They tend to have big personalities and are a joy to own.

This breed will present a challenge for inexperienced owners as they tend to be stubborn and willful. They will need a confident leader who is knowledgeable about dog training. Hiring a professional doesn’t hurt, either!

Long-haired dachshunds are a good fit for you if:

  • You want a watchdog
  • You don’t mind a vocal breed
  • You want a dog that is playful but not excessively energetic
  • You’re okay with a dog that bonds strongly with one person only
  • You want a dog that enjoys cuddling but can respect when they are not in the mood
  • You want a dog that can live with other dogs

Long-haired dachshunds are not a good fit for you if:

  • You have young children
  • You live in an apartment where a barking dog would be a problem
  • You want a dog that is eager to be obedient and easy to train
  • You do not have time to look after the coat after time spent outside or are not willing to trim the coat regularly to prevent debris from getting caught in it
  • You want a dog that can live peacefully with small pets such as rabbits or guinea pigs
Long-Haired Dachshund: Your Complete Guide (2024)


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