Aoi Todo | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki (INFO) - QTA (2024)


Hello everyone! Today we present you with a Character Wiki of Isshiki Otsutsuki from Boruto. Before I begin, I just wanted you all to be aware that I purposely left out a lot of key details—especially those concerning Boruto in the Kawaki arc.

I did this because I want you to feel the thrill of the major plot twists firsthand. Trust me on this, you don’t want me to be the one to tell you how great these arcs are! So, this blog will be strictly towards Isshiki and you can expect major spoilers!

Table of Contents


It’s important to know when characters show up in the anime series and manga because that’s when you get your first impression of them. My first impression of Aoi Todo was hilarious, and I knew right away that I was going to love this guy.

Perhaps this is just me, but I can usually tell if I am going to like a character for the rest of the series just by their debut appearance. Once you watch enough anime and read enough manga, you become an expert at guessing a character’s true intentions.

Anyway, Aoi Todo first appeared in the Jujutsu Kaisen anime series in episode 8! So, he doesn’t appear until a bit later.

His debut appearance in the manga is in chapter 16. The manga is fantastic and is ahead of the anime series. I highly suggest you give it a try.

Table of Content

Aoi Todo

Aoi Todo | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki (INFO) - QTA (1)

Character Information

Title: Grade 1 Sorcerer


Reveal Status (Spoilers)


Gender: Male

Birthday: September 23

Height: 190cm

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Black

Professional Status

Occupation: Jujutsu Sorcerer

Affiliations: Kyoto Jujutsu High

Grade: 1

Appearances in ANIME/MANGA

Manga debut: Chapter 16

Anime debut: Episode 8

Voice Actors

Japanese: Subaru Kimura
English: Xander Mobus


Aoi Todo | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki (INFO) - QTA (2)

Aoi Todo is one fit dude. You can tell immediately once you take a look at him. He usually sports a half-naked appearance—it’s quite chic actually. Aoi doesn’t wear a top when he is engaged in any sort of battle, so his upper body is exposed. When he isn’t fighting curses, he is seen with regular T-shirts.

This well-built, muscular eighteen-year-old wears dark navy-blue genie pants that end tightly on his ankles. There is a white sash that is above his pants and circles his defined waist. However, in the manga of Jujutsu Kaisen, the upper part of his pants is blue.

Aoi Todo | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki (INFO) - QTA (3)

In regard to facial features,Aoi Todo has a large scar on the left upper side of his face. It starts at his hairline and ends further below his left eye.

Aoi Todo has pitch black eyes that look tiny because he is overall a giant guy. This teen has so many muscles bulging out of his body, everything looks small in comparison!

He also has black hair that reaches his shoulders, however, Aoi ties it in a ponytail throughout the series.Aoi has black flats that are white at the bottom. He is definitely a manly man if there ever was one!


This guy is the definition of a meathead. All he wants to do is fight strong opponents and win. I’m not going to lie; he can be a bit goofier than Itadori who is the main character of the Jujutsu Kaisen series. I know, wild!

One of the things Aoi Todo likes doing when he first enters a fight is questioning his opponent. This one question allows Aoi to gauge his rival precisely. Aoi even claims he knows everything about a person by their answer to this infamous one question. And no, the question is not about their age, skills, experience or background.

It’s about the kind of woman they like. Bro, when he heard Megumi’s answer, I lost it (Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 16). What I want to know is how does this help Aoi figuring out a person’s character?!

That question alone is enough for you all to know Aoi Todo’s personality! He is pretty silly despite being OP as heck!

How did he come across this style of the question? Aoi Todo was actually asked this question by a woman who introduced him to jujutsu.

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Don’t get me wrong. Sure, Aoi is simple minded, but if you give him the wrong answer to his complex question—you are essentially screwed.

Listen, if Aoi Todo was my partner, I would sock him where it hurts, you know? He is a unique fellow, but he can be frustrating to work with.

Most of the students at Kyoto Jujutsu High, in truth, hate his guts. This is evident when Maki threw a ball straight to Aoi’s face (Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 54)

Although he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shack, when the time demands it, Aoi switches to his more wise and intelligent side during the Goodwill Event. With Aoi’s advice, Itadori learned how to completely focus all of his cursed energy through his emotions (Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 37).

Aoi Todo’s simple mindedness can also be helpful in battle, and this trait of his is fueled by his reputation of defeating many extremely strong curses! How? I’m a simple minded person, and whenever I have a goal in mind, I do whatever it takes to achieve it. It’s simple really.

Aoi is able to clear his mind when he battles, so his analytical skills are off the charts. He can properly assess the diverse abilities his rivals show during fights, which is always favorable on his part.

I personally love Aoi Todo. Yes, he is a dense bloke, but he makes you laugh. When you aren’t laughing at him, you are probably in awe of him. Aoi is powerful, and it shows throughout the series.

Strengths and Skills

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Todo's Skills

Aoi Todo is one of the most exceptional students of Kyoto Jujutsu High, and that’s saying something. You don’t believe me. Fine, I will prove it to you.

Aoi Todo, by himself, managed to take down one special grade other and grade 1 curses. Yeah, crazy. I know.

Not only did Aoi defeat a cursed spirit, but he only used his cursed technique when fighting it.

Remember Megumi, the boy Sakuna has his sights on? Well, Aoi easily dominated Megumi in battle. Whenever he is fighting Itadori, Aoi overpowers him throughout the fight.

Aoi Todo | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki (INFO) - QTA (7)

There was a fight between Hanami and Aoi with Itadori by his side. At this point of the series, Itadori needed some assistance, so he had to have Aoi guide him through battle.

Anyway, Hanami is one of the strongest special grade cursed spirits. Special grades are already powerful, but this Hanami spirit is one of the most powerful!

With Itadori’s help, Aoi almost defeated Hanami. They were so close! What surprised me the most in this battle was how articulate Aoi was.

This was a couple episodes after Aoi’s debut appearance, so I knew Aoi was strong, but I didn’t know he was this intelligent.

Can you blame me? The guy askes his rivals what kind of chick they prefer!

This is one of Aoi’s skills: Great Tactical Intellect

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Great Tactical Intellect

It is said that Aoi Todo has an IQ of 530,000. I don’t think that’s possible, but what do I know—I’m barely passing my classes. Aoi is a genius in terms of combat.

Aoi uses his wide understanding of the art of jujutsu and his own experiences to not only understand Itadori’s abilities but to have him use it to its full potential.

Aoi’s thinking speed is also off the rocker. He only needed 0.01 seconds to analyze Hanami’s full move set as well as the proper plan to counter Hanami’s attacks.

I can hardly do mental math, so that is impressive.

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Enhanced Strength

Aoi is so powerful that he usually doesn’t need more than his physical strength to defeat his opponents. He can enhance his raw strength by infusing cursed energy. If one of those strikes ever hit you, you best be counting your days.

This cursed technique is also very smart on his part. Once he strikes his opponent with this cursed technique, it leaves his rival with openings. Aoi will then proceed to use his physical strength to land some deadly blows.

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Enhanced Speed

Like I said before, Aoi Todo has a speedy intellect and quick analytical thought process. Not only is Aoi unfathomably strong, but he is also extremely fast.

With his brute strength and quick speed, he is quite deadly in battle. Remember the Goodwill Event? It only took Aoi Todo a couple seconds to get past the other team. Aoi also managed to overthrow Megumi with his speed, and this caused Megumi to lose pitifully.

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Master Hand-to-Hand Combat

Aoi Todo prefers getting up close and personal with his opponents. He’d want to punch you in the face rather than opting for far-ranged attacks.

He is highly trained in this ability, as shown when he was fighting with Itadori.Itadori also likes to punch his rivals, but he has no match for Aoi. Yuji also noticed this and even after understanding Aoi’s fighting habits, Aoi still got the best of him.

In this skill, he uses a variety of close combat methods like stomping, forearm smashes, punches, powerful kicks and more. Aoi doesn’t just want to defeat his opponent, he wants to crush them with his hands.

All in all, Aoi Todo is so cool! AHHHH! I’m fangirling already!! Allow me to explain myself. I’m not fangirling at him, but at his power. I’m an action geek, so whenever I see some crazy OP fights, I lose it. Whenever you see Aoi Todo in battle, just know you’re in for a good time!

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Playful Cloud

Several characters from Jujutsu Kaisen use this special grade cursed tool. The Playful Cloud is a staff that consists of three sections connected by three rings. This staff is not embedded with a cursed technique, but instead solely depends on its user’s power.

Unexpectedly, it does not favor cursed energy from its users, but rather relies on a person’s raw physical strength and abilities. This makes sense because Maki is highly skilled with this weapon.

Aoi Todo used the Playful Cloud staff to strike Hanami’s weak points, which almost defeated this special grade cursed spirit (Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 51).

I guess you can say Skill #3 and Skill #4 of Aoi Todo are very interconnected if not almost the same.

Grade Scale

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Grade Scale

Cursed Spirits, Jujutsu Sorcerers, Cursed tools and objects are measured via or by grades. Grades is a power ranking system that measures it’s assigned being according to its strength.

There are five grades; one to four and then you get the horrific special grade.

For Sorcerers, this scale goes from Grade Four all the way to Grade 1. First years at the Jujustu Academy usually begin at Grade 4, but there are exceptions (Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 0-1).

For Cursed Tools, the scale goes from Grade 1 to 4 depending on their respected strength. Special Grade cursed tools have a cursed technique—except for Playful Cloud, but I’m sure you already knew that after reading Aoi’s skills description.

When Sorcerers go into battle, they can determine the probability of them winning or losing a battle with a cursed spirit just by their spirits’ rank. You would want to fight those on the same grade as you because you don’t want to be defeated. But at the same time, you would want to increase your skills and fighting performance in hopes of one day becoming a grade higher.


Jujutsu is also called Jujutsu Sorcery. It is about the abilities and spells cursed spirits and sorcerers use in battle from their own cursed energy. Let’s talk about Aoi Todo’s Jujutsu.

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Boogie Woogie

This isn’t something to laugh at—as much as I want to. I mean Boogie Woogie? Seriously? You could have come up with a better name than that!

Boogie Woogie is a technique that lets Aoi switch positions with anything that has cursed energy that’s in his field of clap vibrations.

This technique doesn’t require both of his hands for a clap because later on, you see Aoi use one of his hands and a hand of Mahito’s to form a clap.

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Black Flash

Black Flash is a Jujutsu technique that enhances one’s physical strikes by infusing cursed energy into the strikes in one-millionth of a second.

I bet your brain exploded. It’s okay, mine did too.

Basically, it’s a strike with cursed energy. Insane. The strike increases in power by 2.5 times. Let me remind you, Aoi Todo is packed with muscles. Imagine all of his strength and times that by 2.5. Yeah, RIP to his opponents.

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Great Cursed Energy

Great Cursed Energy is derived from the negative, nasty emotions its user has. Aoi has a lot of cursed energy, and he knows how to use it.

This skill can be used in both offense and defense. Aoi can infuse his punches with Great Cursed Energy as well as his cursed tools. For defense, he can create a protective coat that envelops his body with his cursed energy.

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Simple Domain & Showing one's Cards

Simple Domain is one type of Barrier technique that nullifies or neutralizes any cursed techniques within a range he himself chooses.

Showing One’s Cards is a Binding vows technique. This method enhances the effectiveness of Aoi’s techniques as well as tricking his opponents on how his techniques work.


  • Aoi Todo is the same height as Gojo Satarou! They are about 190 cm or 6’3 feet (Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Volume 5)
  • Aoi Todo is 18 years-old and his birthday is on September 23rd (Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fan Book: Page 36-37)
  • He weighs 202.83 lbs. or 92 kilograms! With all that muscle, I’m not shocked.
  • Aoi approves of Itadori and immediately recognizes him as his best friend without any consent from Itadori after hearing his answer to his infamous starting question (Jujutsu Kaisen Anime: Episode 15). It’s one of my favorite moments of the series!
  • Aoi Todo is a third year Jujutsu Sorcerer student in Kyoto Jujutsu High. His grade is Grade 1.
  • Aoi Todo is enthralled with Takada, and desperately wants to marry her (Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Volume 5).
  • His hobby is staring at Takada and daydreaming about her (Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fan Book).
  • · This meathead loves to eat skirt steak and has no food that he dislikes (Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fan Book).

More Jujutsu Kaisen Characters

Aoi Todo | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki (INFO) - QTA (18)


Aoi Todo | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki (INFO) - QTA (19)

Even when Aoi Todo was in third grade, he was one tough cookie. Aoi Todo beat up a high schooler (Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 50). Why did Aoi do that? Well, that’s because the high schooler was being haughty.

It doesn’t matter to Aoi if you are older or not, if you are arrogant, you deserve to be put in your place. I can’t argue with that logic.

However, with great power, there comes great boredom. In his eyes, Aoi Todo was living a terribly dull life. As a third grader!

When I was a third-grader, I cried every time the ice cream truck passed my house without stopping. It was quite tragic.

Aoi Todo | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki (INFO) - QTA (20)

Anyway, Aoi’s life takes a turn when he meets an older woman who witnesses his one-sided battle with the high schooler (Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 50).

The woman complimented him on his skills and then proceeded to ask him ‘What’s your type of woman’ after she got off her sick motorcycle.

This is when Aoi Todo has a ‘premonition’. If he followed her into the Jujutsu world, perhaps his boredom could be cured!

And guess what? It did. Aoi Todo is now considered to be one of the best student Jujutsu Sorcerers in Kyoto Jututsu High.

But there is one thing that Aoi becomes bored of. What is it? It’s Megumi’s answer to his “What’s your type of woman’ question. Aoi gets so bored of Megumi after that, he ends up crying (Jujutsu Kaisen Anime: Episode 8). Poor dude.

One time, Aoi Todo wipes out six cursed spirits. He didn’t use his cursed technique for the five first-grade spirits, but he did use it when he encountered the sixth cursed spirit—a special grade! He did all of this by himself while he was taking a stroll at night (Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 17).


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Aoi Todou - A Jujutsu Sorcerer

Aoi Todo is a student and Jujutsu Sorcerer at Kyoto Prefectural Jujutsu High School or otherwise known as Kyoto Jujutsu High.

Its sister school is Tokyo Jujutsu High. There are only two Jujutsu academies that are devoted to training the future Jujutsu Sorcerers.

Kyoto Jujtsu High is controlled by Yoshinobu Gakuganji and its Jutjutsu Higher ups. The school is first mentioned in Chapter 12 of the Jujutsu Kaisen Manga.

It is located in Kyoto. They are responsible for educating its students as well as sending them to various missions concerning cursed spirits. How can they make sure that their students are capable of protecting the general public if they can’t fight off cursed spirits?

In order to be truly successful, and this is for anything in life, your skills must be put to the test in the real world.


Aoi Todo | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki (INFO) - QTA (22)

Cursed Training Arc

This arc is where Aoi and Mai first appear. Also, this is where Aoi asks Megumi what type of girl he prefers. Obviously, Megumi gives a respectable answer to which Aoi finds boring and thus proceeds to attack him.

The encounter ends with Megumi believing that Aoi is a monster (Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 16-17). The fight is interrupted when Panda interferes with Aoi by talking to him.

Aoi leaves the stunning Mai to partake in a celebrity meet (Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 17-18).

Aoi Todo | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki (INFO) - QTA (23)

Kyoto Goodwill Event Arc

Y’all know this is my favorite arc after raving about Aoi’s skill in his battle with Hanami!! Oh! I’m so excited to start!

After a month, Aoi drops by in Tokyo with the other students from Kyoto Jujutsu High. This is also when Gojo surprises his students with a very much alive Itadori (Jujutsu Kaisen Mnaga: Chapter 32).

The Goodwill event begins. This is a tournament between the classes of the Jujutsu Academy where they use the Jujutsu in combat.

Aoi splits the Tokyo group and ends up coming across Itadori. Unsurprisingly, he asks Itadori what kind of women he likes. Surprisingly, Itadori gives Aoi the best answer possible!

Aoi acknowledges Itadori’s manhood, if you will, and is determined to give it his all in battle. Of course, that isn’t what Itadori wants!

Aoi Todo | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki (INFO) - QTA (24)

The two fight until they come across Mai, Maki and Hanami. They save the two girls, and then try to defeat Hanami.

Sorry my dudes, but I refuse to describe the battle between Hanami and the two new brothers (Itadori and Aoi). It’s so good. Please watch the battle yourself. You may feel wronged now, but later, you will thank me. It’s okay. I accept your thanks in advance.

As Itadori and Aoi fight the special grade cursed spirit, Aoi teaches Itadori how to control and fully utilize his cursed energy in battle.

With this awakened Itadori, they both almost defeat Hanami—almost. Gojo, our beloved playboy sensei, steps in and saves his adorable students.

I know, what a letdown.

Aoi Todo | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki (INFO) - QTA (25)

Kyoto Goodwill Event Arc

Y’all know this is my favorite arc after raving about Aoi’s skill in his battle with Hanami!! Oh! I’m so excited to start!

After a month, Aoi drops by in Tokyo with the other students from Kyoto Jujutsu High. This is also when Gojo surprises his students with a very much alive Itadori (Jujutsu Kaisen Mnaga: Chapter 32).

The Goodwill event begins. This is a tournament between the classes of the Jujutsu Academy where they use the Jujutsu in combat.

Aoi splits the Tokyo group and ends up coming across Itadori. Unsurprisingly, he asks Itadori what kind of women he likes. Surprisingly, Itadori gives Aoi the best answer possible!

Aoi acknowledges Itadori’s manhood, if you will, and is determined to give it his all in battle. Of course, that isn’t what Itadori wants!

Aoi Todo | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki (INFO) - QTA (26)

The two fight until they come across Mai, Maki and Hanami. They save the two girls, and then try to defeat Hanami.

Sorry my dudes, but I refuse to describe the battle between Hanami and the two new brothers (Itadori and Aoi). It’s so good. Please watch the battle yourself. You may feel wronged now, but later, you will thank me. It’s okay. I accept your thanks in advance.

As Itadori and Aoi fight the special grade cursed spirit, Aoi teaches Itadori how to control and fully utilize his cursed energy in battle.

With this awakened Itadori, they both almost defeat Hanami—almost. Gojo, our beloved playboy sensei, steps in and saves his adorable students.

I know, what a letdown.

Aoi Todo | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki (INFO) - QTA (27)

Death Painting Arc

Yoshinobu (the principal of the academy) decides to promote Megumi, Nobara, and Yuji (the three golden stooges) to grade 1! Their nominations involved Mei and Aoi.

Aoi wants to join Itadori on missions, but he can’t because he was the one that nominated Itadori. How sad!

Voice Actors





JapaneseSubaru Kimura

EnglishXander Mobus


Aoi Todo | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki (INFO) - QTA (28)

That’s it for Aoi Todo. He’s also one of the best guys in Jujutsu Kaisen who is always helping around. In fact, we got to laugh a lot thanks to this guy!


(Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 16)

(Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 54)

(Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 37)

(Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 51)

(Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Volume 5)

(Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fan Book: Page 36-37)

(Jujutsu Kaisen Anime: Episode 15)

(Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Volume 5)

(Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fan Book)

(Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fan Book)

(Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 0-1)

(Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 50)

(Jujutsu Kaisen Anime: Episode 8)

(Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 17)

(Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 16-17)

Aoi Todo | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki (INFO) - QTA (2024)


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