This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (2024)

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  1. 1 day ago



    Then why does nobody talk about it?

    • 1 day ago




      I love that game so fricking much.
      And the second one too. I actually have more fond memories of playing Neverwinter Nights 2 online, but both are great, and the first one is just better for custom content.
      Had lots of fun with those during my college years.
      Funnily enough, 12 years later I started playing the actual tabletop game, and almost all of the knowledge translated perfectly.
      Pretty dope.

    • 24 hours ago



      Yes it is.

      Because gays cannot into d&d.

    • 23 hours ago



      >Then why does nobody talk about it?
      I own the physical DVD fancy boxset, its the piece that bridges baldurs gate/sword coast and Skyrim

    • 23 hours ago



      I would play a NWN 3 if only it wasn't ruined by modern DnD

      Because its 20+ years old so most of the discussion has already been had

      • 22 hours ago



        I play both 5e and 3.5e, the latter a lot more these days, but I don't mind 5e.
        As long as the game was highly moddable, had a powerful and easy to use toolset, and had persistent server capabilities, I'd be all for it.
        Hell, I might even work on adapting 3.5e sh*t to the 5e mold even.
        I suppose it wouldn't be impossible to get a 3.5e game, since everything in the SRD is free for commercial use, like that Incursion D20 rogue like.

    • 18 hours ago



      Game is too old, too ugly, too slow, soulless and the engine too limited.

    • 17 hours ago



      People who talk about it left Ganker one the dedicated videogame discussion boards were made.

    • 14 hours ago



      This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (6)

      Too busy playing coom mods for it.

      • 13 hours ago



        When the frick is part 2.

      • 13 hours ago



        Damn, just imagine how new Ganker would jerk off Vico. A true sigma racist rapist misogynistic icon.

        • 11 hours ago



          Back then he seemed like an edgy bastard yet kinda badass in his rebelliousness and don't-give-a-frick attitude. Now after so many years of exposure to anons saying his kind of sh*t and trying to present that facade, it's just... tryhard. And fricking boring. Calling someone a gay just doesn't impress anymore, it just makes me think whoever said it is seething.

    • 13 hours ago



      This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (7)

      Because there's nothing controversial about it.
      All Ganker threads are either new thing, controversy or "cult classic circlejerk"

    • 13 hours ago



      Might as well have a thread about the creation kit used for bethesda games.

    • 12 hours ago



      Good things don't get talked about. Thats just Ganker fact.

      • 12 hours ago



        Anytime anything is brought up that allows for user made content, the game gets run down on here. It is weird.

        Even mentioning Solasta in /vrpg/ causes mental meltdowns.

        • 11 hours ago



          Games with user made content encourage interacting with the community directly.

    • 10 hours ago



      This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (8)

      OP is talking about it. That's the trick, that's all there is to talk about. The chance, the possibility is right there! The content itself? (...)
      >with this... you can do everything!
      >like what?

  2. 1 day ago



    I love that game so fricking much.
    And the second one too. I actually have more fond memories of playing Neverwinter Nights 2 online, but both are great, and the first one is just better for custom content.
    Had lots of fun with those during my college years.
    Funnily enough, 12 years later I started playing the actual tabletop game, and almost all of the knowledge translated perfectly.
    Pretty dope.

    • 13 hours ago



      >I love that game so fricking much.
      The game or some other modules? I doubt anyone loves actual NWN, the fetch quest galore.

  3. 1 day ago



    It isn't
    The enitre concept was stupid as frick
    >design a module making game
    >so this is played online, in an era when most people are still on dial up at best
    >oooh so uh... how we sell it?
    >oh shieeet homie... uh uwu um frick yeah! A sh*tty bare bones campaign

    As much as I like it with actual single player modules, the core concept it was meant to sell is utter sh*t

    • 24 hours ago



      >the core concept it was meant to sell is utter sh*t
      That core concept is what has kept the game around, continued it's sales and resulted in tons of people still playing it 20 years later.

      • 24 hours ago



        the core concept was ignored, anon
        The core concept was literally just 'a DM runs you through the module and makes decisions on the fly'

        Please educate me on what fricking PWs have that

        • 24 hours ago



          Not nope.

          I'm sure we can both agree that BG1 and BG2 had better singeplayer campaigns than NWN, right?

          There are more people playing NWN right now on Steam than BG1 and BG2 combined.

          NWN's MP and Modules have given it staying power, that's objective fact.

          • 24 hours ago



            >it was a concept that literally needed a sh*tty fricking single player campaign to keep it alive since the majority of people didn't have good internet
            >it also was sh*t in terms of what it was meant to be since the core fricking concept was never used
            This is my point

            >yeah but bro after we all good internet and then ignored how it was meant to be played, it was heckin' rad dude

            This is your point

            • 24 hours ago



              You projecting your lack of decent internet or friends to have LANS with isn't really much of an argument.

              The point is that the core concept of the game, that of MP, that of Modules, is what has kept people around and playing it, more so than it's contemporaries.

              • 23 hours ago


                >hurr durr
                great, take your little flame war attempt to the jannies, thanks

                >Please educate me on what fricking PWs have that
                Most i've tried, Blackstone Keep is excellent, very active DM's and a very reactive world.

                But again, the core conept isn't there
                Does the DM chat to you in real time, guide you along, spawn sh*t based on your levels/characters/scenario? No, they're just basic b***hes like GMs in WoW

              • 23 hours ago


                >Does the DM chat to you in real time, guide you along, spawn sh*t based on your levels/characters/scenario?
                Literally yes, what a fricking moronic post.

                any good persistent worlds you'd recommend?

                Arelith, World of Greyhawk, Blackstone Keep, it really depends on what you want, how much RP you want, i'd suggest just server hopping for a week, play an hour or two of each, get a feel for them.

              • 23 hours ago


                >flame war attempt
                You were doing SO good

              • 21 hours ago


                arelith i know of but i dont know about greyhawk or blackstone what are they are they fun or are there bad people on there

        • 24 hours ago




        • 24 hours ago



          >Please educate me on what fricking PWs have that
          Most i've tried, Blackstone Keep is excellent, very active DM's and a very reactive world.

    • 22 hours ago



      NWN ran great on dialup. Great netcode.

  4. 24 hours ago



    This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (9)

    If NWN SP had full party control it'd be fricking perfect honestly.

    As it is it's still fricking amazing for MP, persistent worlds are becoming more popular as well as everyone's getting sick of how sh*t MMO's are.

    • 24 hours ago



      any good persistent worlds you'd recommend?

    • 13 hours ago



      I kinda disagree.
      It's better as a slightly more hack & slash game. Micromanaging 4 chars gets tedious and itemization is much more fun when you can focus on a single person.

  5. 24 hours ago



    I wish Bioware had kept the module system. So many great servers and a really interactive and creative community. Imagine what people could create if they could make say BG3 modules in and editor like NWN had.

  6. 24 hours ago



    This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (10)

    the low int dialogue in the main campaign was kino

    • 23 hours ago



      You can play as a moron? Any other modules that have this kind of advanced interactivity?

      • 23 hours ago



        >9 INT makes all your dialogue moron grugspeak for the original campaign but even the expansions didn't keep it up

        • 17 hours ago



          >click add a dialogue option, write "me grug, me like big breasts and vegana", add condition INT < 9
          was it this hard? lazy ass gays

          • 17 hours ago



            Now add this to all times the player talks to anything and occasionally change the character's response to the player when appropriate. moron dialog's fun but it does take work

  7. 23 hours ago



    >This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules
    True it is pure D&D 3 however I find skyrim to be the final form, Skyrim is basically AD&D

    • 18 hours ago



      >Skyrim is basically AD&D
      They have absolutely nothing in common.

    • 18 hours ago



      >Skyrim is AD&D
      Are you moronic? Skyrim is nowhere near as advanced as your typical DnD game. It's a dumb down simpleton game that a fricking child can play a beat.

      • 18 hours ago



        DND is the same, prove me wrong pro tip you cannot.

    • 17 hours ago



      are you a moron

  8. 23 hours ago



    What are the go to modules that you would recommend?

  9. 22 hours ago



    d&d is cool on paper (literally). it doesnt translate very well into video games. in my opinion all those old rpg games are super boring and overly complicated for no reason. baldurs gates, icewind dales, fallouts, and especially nwn, etc, are all extremely boring games to play. i feel like most people who praise old crpgs are people who fool themselves into thinking they like them but have never actually played them (or havent played them for more than a few hours) and only like the idea of them. you know who you are

    thats why i love dragon age origins. it borrowed elements from all those boring games and simplified most of the mechanics and added cinematics and orchestrated music to it. da1 is a legendary game that will never be matched

  10. 22 hours ago



    I would prefer a new engine that does not have the party and combat limitations of the original. It would be able to adapt any campaign setting as a single player story, and also be modular for custom campaigns and multiplayer.

  11. 22 hours ago



    I thought the original campaign was mediocre but the modules more than made up for it. I wish more new games would release tools for player made content. The prophet series and shadowkeeper/dreamcatcher/demon modules were great.

    • 13 hours ago



      Try Solasta

      Hundreds of custom campaigns and full party creation. Also, use the mod Unfinished Business.

  12. 22 hours ago



    Can any dnd knowers explain what does this NWN eye symbol represent?

    • 22 hours ago



      This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (11)

      Never played Neverwinter Nights 2 have you?

      • 22 hours ago



        Never got to, hadn't had access to any tough PCs in decades.

    • 12 hours ago



      This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (12)

      Never played Neverwinter Nights 2 have you?

      NWN2 is a trash, buggy mess of a game made by different developers than the first game.

      The eye is the symbol of the antagonist cult in the first game

  13. 22 hours ago



    Is there any way to make NWN not eat CPU to the max? Wasn't it supposed to run on low ghz range PCs?

    • 21 hours ago



      Never going to happen, unfortunately
      It's entirely single-threaded and fixing that would require rewriting the entire engine and all the netcode

  14. 22 hours ago



    sunset over ocem

  15. 21 hours ago



    >Read about CEP 3
    >Download it and look at all the new content in the toolset
    >Really makes me want to start on a new module
    I wish I could get paid to make NWN modules instead of doing web dev for some boring as sh*t company

    • 21 hours ago



      make a patreon or gofundme for it and advertise it

  16. 21 hours ago



    It's okay. It had alot of potential but never did it for me. I liked the module making that time I was more into making content for the PnP game. I never finished the single player game and just lost interest in NWN. I've got it and the Baldur Gate games on an old laptop. I've tried playing it a few times and just can get into it like BG.

    I'll lie and say I'm inspired to give it another try. I won't any time soon ...actually in a MW4 phase at the moment.

  17. 21 hours ago



    I really hoped Owlcat would have added something like it to their Pathfinder games, but all the MP we got from them was some tacked on sh*t in RT.
    Why can't modern devs add proper module tools

    • 21 hours ago



      I wish some dev wanting to break into MMOs would consider the NWN model instead
      They could still make good money by releasing DLC every 3-6 months
      People would gladly pay to have both new modules to play and new content to add to their modules

      • 21 hours ago



        I'd love to see it, and just because there's player module that you can get for free, doesn't mean people won't pay for officially released ones as long as they're actually good

      • 17 hours ago



        >I wish some dev wanting to break into MMOs would consider the NWN model instead
        That's what mmos should have been to begin with. It was a mistake to turn them into persistent, never ending campaigns. Pretty much all issues mmos have stem from that problem. Every expansion you have to rewrite the lore, increase the level cap, introduce new, more powerful monsters and bosses, new factions, new zones, new gear, new skills, rebalance classes. It's an absolute nightmare. And because of the never ending progress, the new stuff has to be cooler than the old stuff, so eventually all new gear looks like level 1000 epic legendary sh*t crafted by gods exclusively for their chosen champion, which looks ridiculous when everyone is running in that sort of gear, and the strongest monsters from the early expansions and canon lore are now irrelevant fodder compared to the new fodder monsters from the latest expansion. RPGs are meant to be finite campaigns for a reason. Trying to go around that concept inevitably brings tons of issues. I don't know if it was greed, naivety or inexperience that lead mmos to this path, but had they gone neverwinter nights route, I think the mmorpg genre would still be thriving today and rpg genre as a whole would likely have massively benefited from it.

    • 21 hours ago



      A pathfinder nwn style game would be amazing but there's no way owlcat could make it.
      Their games are barely functional as it is, adding module creation tools and persistent worlds would be a disaster. I wish they would at least make proper modding tools at least.

      • 21 hours ago



        If the players got actual modding tools with support for modules I'm sure they could do a better job at making a persistent world than Owlcat

      • Anonymous

        technically you can modify the rules in the Aurora toolkit, so you could make a module behave like Pathfinder if you really wanted
        from there you can build all the modules and APs you want and play through them in MP or just build a living world golarion
        hell, if you want to play them straight, the first four Pathfinder APs were written for 3.5e, not PF, so you'd just have to adjust the rules from 3e to 3.5e

        • 13 hours ago



          addendum: it's an absolute b***h to mod the rules in NWN1 without access to the source code. NWN2, however, is supposedly quite open to it

    • 21 hours ago



      Too busy adding trans characters I guess

  18. 21 hours ago



    >This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules
    no its not, compare toee to this slop

  19. 20 hours ago



    I never saw the appeal. sh*t graphics, sh*t text written by educated cowards. Just no.

  20. 20 hours ago



    This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (13)

    Has anyone tried Solasta? Is it a good alternative to NWN or at the very least worth checking out?

    Best I can tell it's basically an Indie NWN, 5.1 ruleset, focus on MP and custom content.

    • 17 hours ago



      yes it's good, better than bg3 if you're not a trans moron

      • 16 hours ago



        This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (14)

        >better than bg3

        • 15 hours ago



          I mean, it's still a game, no matter how bad it is. You can technically compare other games to it.

        • 12 hours ago



          >if you're not a trans moron

    • 17 hours ago



      This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (15)

      >Is it a good alternative to NWN
      No since you're limited to 4 players and the content isn't designed to be persistent
      >or at the very least worth checking out?
      Yes, custom content is pretty much you and others playing through and making up your own single player RPG adventures.

      The pre-made campaign is b movie tier but it's okay, the dlc pre-made campaign is better and focuses more on choices , the dlc sequel to the first campaign I haven't finished yet so I can't comment on it

  21. 19 hours ago



    How the frick do I beat J'Nah in the Kobold Caves in Shadows of Undrentide?

    There were some tough fights in the original campaign, but I didn't run into roadblocks I couldn't use potions or something else to get through, but the J'Nah fight, even with the kobolds help is just fricking me endlessly no matter what I try.

    • 19 hours ago



      You can use the puzzle and pool just before the fight to create an elemental summoning stone of your choice, if you go and see the dragon before the fight he'll give you something to weaken them as well. It's a b***h of a fight, you'll want everything you can get to make it easier.

      • 19 hours ago



        Get to Tymofarrar first and agree to help him deal with her, he'll give you an item that you can throw on J'nah that weakens her

        Based, thankyou.

        • 19 hours ago



          Recently got stuck there even with a Druid with a creature summon, pet, elemental summon and companion. The dragon item makes a big difference. SOU is a bit more a sandbox, you can tackle things in whatever order.

    • 19 hours ago



      Get to Tymofarrar first and agree to help him deal with her, he'll give you an item that you can throw on J'nah that weakens her

  22. 18 hours ago



    is this a good game to get when im interested in getting into DnD but have no friends?
    Is anyone even making modules for this anymore?

    • 18 hours ago



      It's an older edition so the ruleset is different from something like Baldur's Gate 3, but it's still great fun.

      As for player made modules I don't really know, but I know Beamdog made some new modules as DLC for the remastered edition, no idea how the quality is though, it's on gog so it should be easy to pirate

      • 16 hours ago



        are any if these modules as good as whole standalone games like enderal and nehrim where for mods or are they just cheaply made stuff?

        • 15 hours ago



          I've never actually played player made modules, and haven't bought any of Beamdogs. I mostly just replay SoU and HotU every few years.
          The last part of HotU where you go to Cania is a slog

  23. 18 hours ago



    This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (16)

    today I will remind them

    • 17 hours ago



      This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (17)

  24. 18 hours ago



    Link for everyone looking for modules to play:

  25. 18 hours ago



    This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (18)

    >Absolutely love all the custom campaigns and adventures available for NWN
    >Still feel like NWN is the sloppiest and one of the worst implementations of D&D, even if you consider NWNEE who has added ability to order your henchmen around
    It's really weird. The general act of playing NWN is worse than almost any other RPG but I still go on wild tears playing the fricker after all this time I wish there was a more modern equivalent, the closest is probably Solasta and that's more just a dungeon creator and not for making whole campaigns

    Also NWN2 is sh*t and I cannot stand playing it and it should be shunned at every possible opportunity.

    • 13 hours ago



      Solasta custom campaigns are whole campaigns now. Advanced well beyond being just dungeons. Some of them are 30+ hours long.

  26. 18 hours ago



    I love ADwR so much it's unreal.

  27. 18 hours ago



    I fricking love how 3D (dumb way to put it I know) and how thoroughly animated Neverwinter Nights is.

    Every aspect is animated, hits, misses, cleaves, sidesteps, dodges, all the spells, the movement, everything feels really solid vs something like baldur's gate where it's just paper dolls kinda wailing on each other awkwardly.

    Not sure how but they completely fricked up the animation system in NWN2 but they did.

    • 18 hours ago



      Does get jank eventually when you're flailing around with a ton of attacks and there are some incongruities like if a dragon attacks you and misses which triggers the parry animation in your character as you twirl around and block a talon the size of your PC, but I agree with you. The animation syncing in combat is enjoyable to watch even with the chunky models. Just feels alive

  28. 18 hours ago



    NWN2 plus expansions and modules is my favourite crpg of all. It was just so fricking good. I also spent more time making my own modules just for the hell than I do playing the average vidya.

    • 18 hours ago



      Have you ever tried the BG and Icewind Dale mods for NWN2?

      • 17 hours ago



        No actually, are they the full campaigns?

        • 17 hours ago



          >No actually, are they the full campaigns?
          Yeah apparently, they even use the audio from the original games. I've never gotten around to trying them, but always been curious as to how good/buggy they actually are.

          Hell of an undertaking for a mod.

          • 17 hours ago



            Damn, I'll need to give them a try. Cheers anon.

  29. 18 hours ago



    >100% the platinum edition in anticipation of bg3's release
    >it comes out
    >play it
    >realise I enjoyed rtwp combat using 3.5 rules much more than forced turn based with 5e

  30. 18 hours ago



    It's pretty rough around the edges, loved the game and expansions since I was a kid. But it's tough for me to play nowadays.

  31. 17 hours ago



    I remember having like 4 legit copies of this game.
    >og release box, got it for cheap in a bargain bin
    >goty/complete edition with all expansions and whatnot
    >some bw rpg collection, complete edition plus bg and iwd 1+2
    >could swear I also got it in steam but I can't find it no more (???)
    Good times.
    Never finished the main og campaign because I always got bored past a point, only the expansions and a sh*tton of modules.
    Also tried them PW servers but it was mostly gays and ERP trannies so I didn't spend much time there.

  32. 17 hours ago



    Whats the best way to play this game, steam or gog? Is it hard to install mods for the gog version?

    • 17 hours ago



      Steam VS GoG doesn't really matter at all since you'll want your mods from the vault rather than the workshop anyway. The biggest question would be NWNEE or NWN Diamond, and I'd say take EE. Compatibility issues are pretty rare and by and large it should run better

      • 17 hours ago



        Thanks, chum

  33. 17 hours ago



    My guy misses 90% of his attacks so the game is gay and boring

    • 17 hours ago



      just make a cleric

    • 16 hours ago



      Sounds like a skill issue.
      Sorry, not sorry.

  34. 17 hours ago



    I agree it's the perfect dnd game, I played it more than WoW, battle of the dragons is better than dota
    that said it's spiritual successor is solasta, deal with it Black folk

  35. 17 hours ago



    Every time I drink alone I end up going to sleep thinking of why nobody has made a real successor to NWN. No other game has made such an attempt to bring actual roleplaying online.

  36. 15 hours ago



    This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (19)

    I never played any fan made modules, I never played multiplayer, I never will, I enjoyed the original campaign, the OC henchmen are well written and I will play it again.

  37. 15 hours ago



    This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (20)

    20/20 monk rogue dex-stacking busts this game wide open.
    I mean, almost any level 40 busts the game wide open.
    But 20/20 monk rogue stacking dex is something special. You want epic dodge & 5/5 self concealment. Couple this with monk / rogue high AC (from DEX and WIS), rogue high skill points, monk high spell resist, monk immunities, rogue stealth, lockpicking, monk movement speed, unarmed damage, sneak attack from rogue, and some other feats like defensive roll and improved evasion, and I'm sure there's some others I'm not mentioning -- it is an unkillable Dragonball Z-tier Goku build. It's insane. Nothing hits you. You survive everything. Resist everything. Dodge everything. And you do pretty good damage, too, considering that dex is gonna be your main stat. I think you can get up to about 28-30 STR with this build with end-game items and something like 40+ DEX.
    Shout-outs also to monk kama weapon masters. 10 attacks per round baby wooo

    NWN 2 has some pretty fun builds you can do as well, but there the max level is 30 BUT you can cross-class four times, so it kinda evens a little but not really.
    Swashbuckler / DEX / STR / INT with some fighter levels and some other class, can't remember but it basically turns out you can make your weapon damage scale with both INT and STR at the same time, and also use DEX as a hit modifier; it's like several things come together and it just works and you can get a free +2d6 flat damage modifier if you get 10 levels of duelist as well.

    Share your dumb builds

    • 13 hours ago



      Imagine wasting your time and do all of that just to be strictly inferior to a regular wizard and still think you're op or something

  38. 13 hours ago



    This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (21)

    did you know there's a full MMO built in the NWN engine? It's been running for 20 years and it was really good back when i played it. Has massive amounts of custom classes, hundreds of custom races and legendary (40-60) and paragon (60-80) levels.

    • 12 hours ago



      >check their wiki
      >Here's our introduction video!
      >Here's our trailer!
      is it dead?

      • 11 hours ago



        It's still around, but you need the Diamond Edition of NWN (which you can only get new via purchasing the EE edition on GOG and then contacting customer support for a Diamond key), they never ported it over to Extended Edition.

        • 11 hours ago



          Oh, makes sense why I'd never see it on the server browser then

      • 11 hours ago



        i connected to it (just to make sure it would work) about 6 months ago and the servers were still up.

        It's still around, but you need the Diamond Edition of NWN (which you can only get new via purchasing the EE edition on GOG and then contacting customer support for a Diamond key), they never ported it over to Extended Edition.

        I'm not sure this is true, but you do need to install some community patches.

        • 11 hours ago



          >I'm not sure this is true
          Which part?

          Because it definitely only works with the Diamond Edition and I don't know of anyone other than GOG still offering that.

  39. 13 hours ago



    I bought this game thinking it would be a great online rpg.

    My pc couldn’t handle the game because the pc was underpowered.

    The end…?

    • 13 hours ago



      is your pc still underpowered? If so, HOW?

  40. 12 hours ago



    Did they make it easier to unlock level 41-60 for modules with all the stuff they added in EE?

  41. 12 hours ago



    This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (22)

    post you're are toons

  42. 12 hours ago



    thanks to PRC adding a boatload of prestige classes and the recent EE update removing the maximum +12 to stats cap I found out that if you go full STRmaxxing as a mighty contender of koth you can overflow your carry weight to 0 if you go past 100 STR. Funny.

  43. 12 hours ago



    NWN 1 absolutely and utterly mogs NWN 2.

    The graphics were a downgrade in terms of ludokino sovl.

  44. 12 hours ago



    This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (23)

    >spiderman pointing at himself.jpg

  45. 12 hours ago



    This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (24)

    without a doubt the best game ever made

    • 12 hours ago



      This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (25)

      you have a high power level

    • 12 hours ago



      I kneel

  46. 12 hours ago



    NWN had one of the healthiest online community in its time. What sold me on the game was the animated dodges and how the game made turn-based combat look real time. The campaign was less than average but it played well enough that I didn't care

  47. 12 hours ago



    Thinking of rolling a new char on Arelith.

    A philosopher.
    I'm thinking either Rock Gnome or Human.

  48. 12 hours ago



    I want a NWN PW gf who has red hair and rolls her eyes and is a single female IRL. She can be a hag, that's ok. But she must be single and a real female IRL.

    • 11 hours ago



      >I want a NWN PW gf who has red hair and rolls her eyes and is a single female IRL. She can be a hag, that's ok. But she must be single and a real female IRL.
      If you don't mind them being 400 pounds this is probably half the chics who play on PW's.

  49. 11 hours ago



    idk how they could look at NWN 2 graphics and say "YEah, this is an improvement over NWN1, SHIP IT!" it looks like utter dog sh*t. NWN1 has so much sovl.

    • 10 hours ago



      NWN1's menu system also feels a lot better to use, you can access almost everything just by right clicking

  50. 11 hours ago



    Going through chapter 5 of Swordflight as a LE wizard. On one hand, chapters 3+ are a cancer in terms on encounter design, on the other hand this series makes epic wizard fun enough to kinda enjoy this cancer. And it made me really appreciate Invisibility and Greater Sanctuary.

This game is a masterpiece for bring DnD RPG campaigns to the computer with the use of modules (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.