The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)

2 it it it it TWELVE THE SELMA TIMES- JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1958 Rule By Cabinet Urged For State By Schools Head Meadows Urges Test Of Florida Plan MONTGOMERY (P) State School Supt, A. R. Meadows proposed today that Alabama consider adopting a governor-cabinet system similar to Florida's to improve administration of state government. "It would be constructive it candidates for state offices and those. running for the Legislature would consider this in their platforms," he said in an interview.

"it should bring good response from. the Florida governor and six al eted state officials meet each week to determine administrative policies and coordinate the affairs of state government, While the governor. is designated as the chairman and exercises the constitutional powers.of chiet. executive, in actual practice he can be overruled by the cabinet Florida Setups In addition to the governor, members of Florida's state. cabinet are the attorney general, treasurer, commissioner of agriculture, secretary of state, superIntendent of public instruction and comptroller.

The Florida governor cabinet has specific functions precribed by law, It serves as the budget. commission and recommends spending allowances for the various departments. Unlike most states, a cabinet. meeting in Florida is considered something like the meeting of a board of trustees of a private corporation. It is a meeting of major executive officials -4 of the state, all elected by the people, and they share: responsibility with the ernor: for management of state affairs.

Majority Rules While the governor presides as chairman and usually exercises cabinet's decisions, he can be, and sometimes 1s, outvoted by his colleagues. In Alabama the governor meets periodically with his appointive department heads who serve in an advisory capacity. Sometimes there is little liaison between the governor's office and the other constitutional officials. "I think elected officials who speak for agriculture education Land other. improtant.

funetions. government sidered in determining top level said. "It would make for more effi. elent administration of the state's affairs and the various departments could coordinate their ef. forts to give the people better state: state superintendent of education said under Alabama's system constitutional officials serve in a "sort of satellite or relationship with the governor or "go their own ways" independent of the chiet executive "I believe the governor -cabinet offers Alabama an opportunity.

to give the -people. a govern. ment more responsive to their he added. -Meadows said he felt it would be constructive it candidates for various state offices consider the advantages of such an administrative setup and it over with the during their cam. paigning.

He said such a change in Alabama would have to be submitted. as a constitutional amendment and ratified by the voters in a statewide referendum. In Pierre, S.D., is a 300-acre tract where 250 juvenile Indian boys and girls live. STETSON PAINT Paint for Every Purpose distributed by Stewart, King McKenzie Dial 4-5801 Selma, Alabama MORGAN BROS: MOTOR CO. DeSOTO PLYMOUTH Sales Service Top Values Used Cars Green TR MOTHER OF -ELEVEN DROWNS IN 10Y Mrs.

Guistina Puntini, 64-year-old mother dren, drowned In the ley Sudbury River near Ashland, after her car skidded into the stream during a heavy snow storm. Firemen and a frogman diver are pictured as they struggled to extricate the body of Mrs. Puntini from her car. son riding with her was Telephoto) UP AND DOWN THE TOWN By 0. 8.

WYNN An meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous will be held Thursday night at 8:00 p.m. in the clubrooms at the Dallas County Courthouse. The public is invited to attend. Plans which were perfected during recent visits home for the holidays will insure a wonderful vacation for two Selma college boys, James R. Carter, son of Mr.

and Mrs. J. R. Carter, and William Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs.

William B. Craig. The two boys plan to leave with a personally conducted 'Student tour party for two months abroad. The two boys returned recently for the second semester at the University of the South at Sewanee, Tenn, Owen Vandervort of Montgomery will be the guest speaker here Monday at 1 o'clock luncheon of the Selma Coordinating Council, to be held at the with Davin Schoenberger, the president, presiding. Vandervort, president of the Montgomery Chamber of Commerce and chairman of the Speaker's Bureau of the March of Dimes in Montgomery County.

A polio victim as is his wife, the Montgomery civic leader is being invited here by the local committee for the March of Dimes, Mrs. Fred Cruikshank. chairman. Sutterinng from pneumonia, May or Chris B. Heinz is confined to his residence, 318 King, where his condition today was favorable.

Area Forecasts By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Birmingham and -North Alabama zones 1, 2, 3 and 4-Today and tonight-Fair and not so cold. Friday--Partly cloudy and warmer. Winds- -West to southwest 7 -12 m.p.h. diminishing tonight. Birminghant High today 45; low tonight 29; high Friday.

56 Zone 1-High today 43; low tor night 29: high Friday, 54 Zone High 43; low to night 26: high Friday 54 Zone 3-High today 47; low tonight 30; high Friday 57 Zone 4-High today 46; low to night 28: high Friday 57 South Alabama zones 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9-Fair and not so cold today and tonight. Partly cloudy and' warmer Friday. High today 45-48, low tonight 27-30, high Friday 55- 58. -Fair and- warmtoday, tonight and Friday. High today 28-38 east and middle portions to the low 40s west portion.

Low tonight 16-24 east and middle portions: west portion. ALABAMA and Extreme North west. FLORIDA -Fair and not so cold today- and tonight; lowest 27. 33. Friday increasing cloudiness and warmer.

MISSISSIPPI-Fair and not. 80 cold today and tonight with lowest In 30s tonight. Friday increasing cloudiness and warmer. WEATHER TABLE High Low Rain Atlanta 32 17 400 Birmingham 31 18 .00 Nashvitte 27 18 .00 New Orleans 26 ,00 Miami 57 38 .03 New. Yorks 400 Washington- 20 .00 Chicago 26 20 :00 They've Got It! That's What They All Say About KEN SPIVEY AND HIS Rock 'n Roll Band See Them Again This Friday Night January 10th at National Guard Armory In Selma Racketeers Seek Gambling Casino Hilton Hotels Executive Discloses Bids NEW YORK' In Hilton Hotels International.

says number of gambling figures including man sought for questioning here in the Albert. Anastasia murder case have attempted to lease the gambling casino of the 24- million-dollar Cabana Hilton now under construction in Havana. John W. Houser, executive vice president of the hotel group, said at a news conference. yesterday: "We have made every effort to insure the casino would be leased to persons of integrity, high character and good standing." Houser called the news conference as more reports came from -Havana that American gamblers and racketeers have obtained control of large segment of the multimillion-dollar legal gambling industry in the Cuban capital.

Houser said 13 groups have sought to lease the casino, scheduled to open in the spring, and ali but one have been turned down because they either had underworld connections or had refused tc subject themselves to inrestigation." One of the applicants rejected, Houser said, was Joseph Silesi, 61, of Manhattan, On 1 Tuesday night, Manhattan Dist. Atty Frank vS. Hogan had nationwide alarm sent out for Sitesi and Santo Trafficante, 43, Tampa, Fla. Hogan' said the two men were wanted only for questioning-and not as the killers in the Anastasia case. Anastasia, a notorious hoodlum and onetime- was shot to death by two men he sat.

in a barber shop chair in Manhattan hotel last Oct. 25. Trafficante runs the Sans Soul night club in Havana. Silesi has been in Havana seeking gam.bling Hogan's office, informed by newsmen of reports from Havana that Silesi and Trafficante were openly present in capital, said: "They know we wamt them witnesses. If they are Cuba, they are outside our jurisdiction and not subject to our processes." It was explained that there no treaty between the United States and Cuba whereby wit.

ness can be extradited to this country. RIFT WITH NAACP REFUTED BY KING ROCHESTER, N. Y. The Martin Luther King Negro leader from Montgomery, says there is no rift between his organization and National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. In fact, he told reporters yesterday, he planned to take out lite membership in the NAACP in New York today.

report of split between King, an official of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. and the NAACP was published recently in The Pittsburgh Courier, Negro rewspaper. The report was read In Atlanta by Eugene Cook, attorney general of Georgia, who said Tuesday that King "apparently refused to give in" In the NAACP and decided to stick to his own group. Cook said the NAACP wanted control of all Negro civil rights matters end saw no need for a separate group to work for Negro: voting. King referred to the Courier report as erroneous I shouldn't even comment on it." He added, "I have always had the warmest relationship with the NAACP." King, a leader in the successful campaign to integrate the Montgomery city.

bus system, opened an office in Atlanta last Setpember for the Leadership Conference. He was in Rochester to address local discussion club. The meeting was attended by local NAACP leaders who welcomed him warmly. DAILY WORKER TO SUSPEND MONDAY NEW YORK The "Daily Worker, the Communist newspapen, says it will suspend publica. tion next Monday, 34 years after it began.

Suspension of the daily was announced in an editorial in today's Issue: The paper's demise was. biamed on lower party membership, diminished resources -and unresolved, political, differences." The weekiy Worker hitherto the daily's weekend editioncontinue Circulation of the Daily Worker dropped from its peak of 30,000 35.000 about 10 years ago, down 1o 7,200. The weekly edition's eir culation. once about 84,000, now is about 13,000. The editorial said: "With the help of cur readers and friends, the Daily Worker will be reborn.

It also noted: have been informed by the Communist party that it is not in position to help raise the large amounts needed immediately to meet our deficit, which ran to $250.000 in 1957." The "unresolved differences" mentioned by the Daily Worker apparently involved the newspaper's editor, John Gates, and other leaders of the party in this country. ENROLLMENT GAIN MONTGOMERY 4 Montgo- gomery County's school enrollment has shown a large increase over 1956-57. For the current term, 33,122 pupils are enrolled in grammar and high schools, the city county school board said yesterday. Enrullment is up 1,421 over last year, This year's 30,354 average daily attendance tops the 1956-57 average by 1,202, History Of City Is Byrd Subject Speakers And Relics Presented Class Winding up their study of Alabama and their, home- -town, chil. dren of Mrs.

Reuben Bishop's fourth grade at Byrd School were directed Wednesday to. a study. of. some of the old evidences of the city's earlier days by a representative of the Sturdivant Association. Speaking briefly to the children, and displaying mementoes and pictures of Selma, past and present, Mrs.

C. W. Wynn emphasized the rich heritage of an orderly, wellmannered city of economic stability, and strong cultural overtones towhich they have fallen heir. Among the souvenirs displayed were a small leather covered, nail studded trunk used by U. S.

Vice. President William R. King in his travels from his Dallas County riv-1 er plantation. "King's Rest" to the nation's capital, and to Europe, during his public career; an oil portrait of -the famous statesman, who was among the men who lished and named Selma; and a massive key to the burial vault In which he is interred in Live Oak Cemetery, in Selma. Pictures of citizens of today cross section of those who are building Selma were shown, with copies of Hardy's History of Selma, now available in a newly issued reprint, and the History of Selma; by the late Walter M.

Jackson, underwritten by Jaycees. The City of Selma flag, designed by Capt. Harry Reid and displayed always in the office of Mayor Chris B. Heinz, was displayed for the occasion in the class room, through courtesy of Mayor Heinz. Present for the program were Mrs.

Laurence B. Tipton, who -aided in arrangements for the grade; Joseph Pickard, superintendent of schools; and Mrs. Otis Ward, the principal of the school. The visitors remained for lunch in the school's attractive cateteria, MOTHER REUNITED WITH JAILED SON HONG KONG An American mother was reunited today in Shanghai with her son imprisoned for life by the Chinese Communists on espionage charges. She had not seen him In 11 years.

feel wonderful," said Mrs. Ruth Redmond of Yonkers, N.Y., in a telephone conversation with Hong Kong, "Hugh is looking very Hugh, a 38-year old former bustcassem*n seen held by the Reds since 1951. Another mother, Mrs. Mary Downey New Britain, also saw her son, John, in a prison at. Peiping, it was reported from the Red Chinese, capital.

She found him "very fit and in good spirits," the report said. Mrs. Downey and younger son, William, visited the prisoner for two hours. He has been imprisoned since 1952 on life sentence on espionage charges. Mrs.

Dowrey and William rived in Felping with Mrs. Jessie Fecteau of Lynn, who is to see her son Richard. He is serving 20-year sentence, also on espionage charges. Authorities at the gray-walled. prison told Mrs.

Downey she and Mrs. Fecteau would be allowed to see their sons three times a week until their Chinese visas expire Jan. 19. BOY BADLY HURT BY ROCKET BLAST GENEVA, Ala, tr A homemade rocket which exploded like hand grenade has Jerry W. Wooten In a hospital with wounds that required 20 stitches today, The 13-year-old boy was hurt in launching attempt last weekend, but details didn't become avail.

able until today. Jerry and other. eighth graders decided to launch rocket, To make certain that they used the right procedure they wrote Dr. Wernher Von Braun, the Army Missile scientist at Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Ala, Von -Braun wrote back, ring the youngsters to, certain literature on rockets; Either: the youngsters read the wrong page or misunderstood the instructions. When launching time came the boys carried their creation to a cow pasture "and lit it.

Jerry repo tedly delayed second too long while the other toys scurried for shelter. The rocket: exploded, hurling metal fragments like shrapnel. Jerry fainted, The pasture caught fire. The other boys rushed back and revived Jerry, then carried him to the Geneva County Hospital, WILLIAM IVEY DIES MOBILE William Hiram Ivey, 60-year-old businessman former Gov. Frank Dixon' commissioner of labor, died at his home following heart attack yesterday, Ivey, a native of Bessemer, Ala.

lived on nearby Dauphin Island, where he was in the real estate business, He formerly was an official of the State Chamber of Commerce, president of the Alabuma Executive and Chamber of Commerce officer in Tuscaloosa and Aliceville, Ala. Ivey is survived by his wife and tour sons, W. R. Ivey, Cocoa Beach, Harry D. Ivey, Dauphin Island; Graves B.

Ivey, with the Navy at Key West, and James M. Ivey, with the Air Force in Labrador, The new U. S. Armed Forces "Mae West" lite jacket inflates itself automatically, when the wearer, even though unconscious, falls into the water, ALBERT L. WEAVER Albert Leonard Weaver, 75, retired farmer of Autaugaville, died at 8:00 Thursday in a local hospital, after lengthy illness.

Born June 13, 1882, in Chilton County, Mr. Weaver had lived most of his lite in Autaugaville, and was life-long member of the Bethel Baptist Church in Autauga County: Surviving are the wife. Mrs. Emmie. Golson Weaver, Autauzavitle: two sons, B.

F. Weaver, Autaugaville, and Pierson Weaver, Birmingham; four daughters, Mrs. Ray Turner and Mrs. Carrell Shoultz, Selma, and Mrs. Earl Rush and Mrs.

Lawrence Golson, Birmingham; one brother, Oscar Weaver, Billingsley, Alabama, six grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. Funeral plans will. be announced later. Dyke Services Are Slated For Friday OBITUARY Henry Elmer Dyke 69, Tetired Southern Railroad master mechanic, died at 10:15 a.m. Wednesday at the residence of his daughter, Mrs.

Pervis Hicks, 901 Mabry Street, after a lengthy illness. Born November 3, 1888 in Newport, Mr. Dyke spent his childhood and early youth there, while still in his teens he was ployed -by the Southern Railroed, a connection he maintained until his retirement February 16, 1956, which time he was the oldest master mechanic, in point of service, with the Southern. Funeral services will take place at Friday from the First Presbyterian Church with the pas.tor, Dr. N.

J. Warren, and- Rev J. Kelley Unger, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Meridian, jointly officiating. Interment will follow in New Live Oak Cemetery. Surviving are the wife, Mrs.

Inez Krichbaum Dyke, Selma, two sons, William W. Dyke: Selma, and H. E. -Dyke Jacksonville, Florida, two daughters, Mrs. Hicks, and Mrs.

M. H. Byrnes, Atherton, California; a twin brother, W. W. Dyke, Knoxville, ten grandchildren, and several.

nieces and nephews. Mr. Dyke's first employment with the Southern was at Knoxville, Tenn. He was transferred from there to Chattanooga, and later to Sheffield, Ala. where he held the position of master mechanie.

for. several years before coming to Selma in that capacity, July 16, 1926. He remained in Selma until March 1-1052 when he was transferred to. Meridian, Miss he was master mechanic until his retirement at that time he and Mrs. Dyke returned to Selma.

Mr. Dyke was member of the First Presbyterian Church in Selma, the Selma. Elks Club, and the Rotary Clubs of Selma and Meridian. CATTLE RUSTLING SUSPECT NABBED CLANTON W- -A 29-year old Birmingham man is being, held in Chilton County jail on larceny charges in connection with cattle rustling in Montomery and. Clanton.

Carl a Schaaphok was arrested Sunday at. Blountsville and was. transfered from the Blount County jail at Onenta to the Chilton County jail yesterday, where the charges were filed against him. Blount Sheriff Roy Murray said three head of cattle were reported stolen from a stockyard pasture at Clanton, and they were found on a farm near Blountsville, The sheriff said five head of cattle reported stolen from Montgomery County were found in Schaaphok's truck, Murray said Schaaphok admitted "being connected" with the rustling but he denied the thefts. The sheriff said Schaaphok had arranged to graze the stolen cattle on the Blountsville farm.

Flour, spread in thin layer in shallow pan, may be browned. in hot oven it is stirred often. The browned flour is excellent to use in meat and poultry gravies. Principals Meet At Parrish High Speaker Cites Russ School System MARK MARK ET STOCKS NEW YORK The stock market was mixed in quiet trading early today. Leading stocks showed narrow changes -and several -were changed.

Wall Street was awaiting Presto dent Eisenhower' State of the Union message to cue it as to the immediate outlook. The opening was fairly active but showed nothing in the way of outstanding: group action. A mood of caution prevailed. Production cuts and slow retail sales in the auto industry, a drop in the price of copper and continuation of the cut in crude oil prices in the Southwest were factors. Steels, aircrafts, oils, rails and nonferrous metals were narrowly mixed.

Motors and chemicals drifted off, Airlines. showed slight gains, Cement stocks were irregular after their gains of -yesterday on the report from Commerce Secretary Weeks that the federal highway program would cost 10 billion dollars more than previously estimated, Among slight gainers were United Aircraft, Lockheed, International Nickel, Edison and American Tobacco. Lower were Chrysler, General Motors, Douglas Aircraft, General Dynamics, American Smelting, Baltimore Ohio and New York Central, NOON QUOTATIONS Steel da: Pac- Cp Alleghany Goodrich Alleg Lud 325 Goodyear Allis Chai Greyhound 15 Am Air Gulf Oil 105 Am Baker 37 Hupp Op Am 111. Cent Am Mirs Int Harv Smelt Kaiser Al Am Sugar Korvette Am Kresge Am Tob Kress Am Viscose Lehman Anac Cop Glass Armour Ligg My Armst Ck Lily Tulip Atchison Lockh Air Refis Loew's Balt Babco*ck Ohio Lou Lorillard Nash Steel 38 Minute Maid Monan Chem 36 Borden Burl Ind Mont Ward Butr Bros Murphy. Calum Nat Cyl Cater.

Trac, Net St1 13 Nort a Penney (JC) Ches. Chrysler Ohio Pa RR Pep! Cola Colg Coca. Cola Palm Philco Col Gas Phill Philip Mar Pet Comw Ed Quaker Oats Con R. C. Edis Cont 801 Can Repub Copy Rexall Corn Prod Rey Tob Crane Crown Zell Safeway St.

Regis Cruc St Schenley Cudahy Seab AL RR Delta Air Sears Roeb Dians Sinclair Du Pont 178 Socony East Air Sou Co 25 East Kodak St. Brand Erie RR Na Eversharp 14 Stud-Pack Fam Fin Swift 34 Firestone Texas Co Fla Pow Twent Cen PAL Un Bag-Camp Ford Mir Uno Carbide 'most 151 Un OIl Cal Frueh Tre 10. Un Pac Gen Dynam Unit Aire Gen Elec Unit Fruit Gen Food U. B. Steel Gen Mills West Un Tel 16 Gen Mirs Westg A Gen Pub Ut Westg Elec Gen Tel Woolworth API Hog at- packing -Albany; Moultrie, Thomasville, Titton, Dothan, -nad- Prices -unevenly -96 to 1.00 higher Mostly 50 higher, Smaller 1 supply at country well as at price strengthening: face tor, No.

and, 180-340 I SIDE. GLANCES barrows and gilts in mixed lots largely 18.50-19.25 with few sorted No. 1, 200- 240 lb. up to 20.00. Op the other band few No.

1 200-240 lb. down to 18.00. few 270-300 lbs., odd sales up to 18.50 or above. Mixed grade sows of various weights 12.50-16.50 few No.

1, 200-240 lbs. up 10. 17.50. In country sales neld Tuesday in South Georgia, SouthAlabama and North Florida mixed grades barrows and gilts mains ly 10.00-18 60, up to 10.16 in Alabama and to 18.68 in Florida. GEORGIA POULTRY ATLANTA: (AP--North Georgia live poultry: Broilers and fryers Offering prices generally 10 higher, Offerings regular adequate in some instances to short of needs al others.

Prices, broilers and fryers at farms 17-18; mostly. 18. plants. Hens, -offerngs adequate to short of fair to good demand on heavy type about adequate on light type. Trading light.

Heavy type at farms few 1.0.b. plants 20. ..22: mostly 21-22; light type. farme 12; L.o:b. plants 18.

NASHVILLE LIVESTOCK NASHVILLE JAP- Cattle 200; too few for real: price test. Few head canner and. cutter. cows 12.00-14.00. Few -common and medium: 450:600 lb.

stockers, steers and heifers 17.00-21.50. Calves 75; demand good, prices about steady, Good and choice vealers 28.00- 32.00; standard and low good standard and 12.00-20.00. good slaughter calves 20.50- Hogs 800; generally active, unevenly steady to 25- lower compared Wednesday. Early sales U.S. No.

1-3 around 200-215 lb. barrows and gilts 19.75; some 270-325 16. 18.00, and around 180 lb. 18.50. Sows 14.50-15.50.

instances to 16.00. Sheep 25; little on offer for price Small let choice 100 lb. wool slaughter lambs 29.50. ALABAMA POULTRY BIRMINGHAM (AP)- Alabama live poultry -Broilers or fryers: Prices one cent higher, offerings and supplies in good balance with fair to good, mostly good demand. Sizes normal most TO day.

Trading moderate but normal for Thursday. Prices paid up to 10:30 a.m.. Thursday, lbs. North Alabama, farms :18, L.o.b: plants 19; Central Alabama, at farms one lot 171, 1.o.b. plant one lot 19.

Effective Jan. 13, one poultry market will be reported for the entire state of Alabama, BIRMINGHAM EGGS BIRMINGHAM (AP) Eggs, market steady pricewise, supplies adequate. Demand generally good. Wholesale grades, cases included, extra. minimum 60 per cent quality, whites, large, too.

few. 10. report: mixed colors, large, medium 30-40: small, one lot. 37.. Nearby, locally produced, minimum 80 per cent -quality, -whites, large 40-41, medium 38-30.

FORK COTTON NEW YORK (AP) Cotton futures opened 5. to 20 cents a bale higher. Prev. Close Open Mar 38.82 35.83 May 36.04 36.05 fly 38:07 Oct 35.05 35.06 Dec 3489 34.90 Mar. 34.79 34.81 May 34.60 34.73 NEW ORLEANS COTTON NEW ORLEANS (AP) Cotton futures opened 15 cents bale higher to cents lower, Pier.

Close Open Mar 35.83 35.82 May 36.03 36.03 Ily. 35.95 35.95 Oct 35.03 36.04 Dec 34.78 34.87 Mar 34.76 34.79 May .34.66 Helps Immigrants WINNIPEG (P) A new booklet published by the provincial. government is designed to give prospective immigrants from Britain a clear idea of the type of open, salary scales and cost of lilying, as well as climate and culture. Wrap a loaf of French bread In aluminum toil and heat in a moderate oven for. about 15 minutes.

Good- when you're having casserole for a main dish. Instead of using toil, you can place the bread. in a brown paper bag, twisting the ends closed, before heating. -By GALBRAITH 2 U.S. Pat.

1960 by REA "No need to buy that girdle now, dear- your figure is just right for the new silhouette!" Members of the Central Alabama Principals Association of the AEA, meeting" Wednesday evening at Albert G. Parrish High School, heard. I guest speaker. Vergis. Ashworth, of Bibb County, compare the educational system of the United States with that of Russia.

Thirty principals were present from Dallas and neighboring counties. In the absence of the president, James D. Thomason, of Sweet V. ater, Vice President Joe Hayes, principal of the Orville School, presided. He also is program chairman for the Central Alabama Association.

Dr. Ben Hubbard, of Centreville, superintendent of Bibb County schools, presented Mr. Ashworth, a member of the state legislature from Bibb, who is serving on the newly-established Alabama Education Commission as chairman and member of both the administrative and finance committees. The speaker, in opening, pointed out that the Russian system of publie school education spans a period of only 10 years, as compared to 12 In the United States. Children of that country start at an earlier age, have longer term period, and shorter vacations, he stated.

"We do not care to adopt Russla's concepts and said Mr. Ashworth, "but we face a crisis in education similar to Pearl Harbor, and we need to go to work," he warned. Especially is this true among educators, pupils, parents, and other patrons, he emphasized, He also cited the tact that it will cost more to put "the American schools up to where they should be. Dinner was served to the group by Mrs. J.

A. Furr, the high school cafeteria manager. DRIVER EDUCATION COURSES FAVORED MONTGOMERY A legislative plan for compulsory driver education and traffic safety courses in Alabama schools has been recommended by Public Safety Director Bill Lyerly, In a letter to Rep. Joe Dawkins of Montgomery, chairman of the Alabama Education Commission, Lyerly said. the commission's report.

should 'Include plan for "compulsory driver education and traffic safety education at all grade levels in the pubille The commission, formed by the 1957 Legislature, is making long range study of, educational problems, Experts have been in agreement for many years that "The basic approach to our traffic safety problem must be made through the safety director said. As a means of curbing traffic deaths, safety education should be made a part of every classroom curriculum "at the earliest possible date," he added, begin to teach our. young. citizens how to walk and drive safely in this automobile age in which we life it we are to make our streets and highways safer," he continued, Lyerly said there are still too many deaths although some 75 fewer persons died in highway smashups in Alabama in 1957 than in the previous year. Last year, nearly 900.

were killed on the state's streets and highways, GAS. RATES CONFERENCE A representative of the Alabama Service Commission will come from Montgomery Friday on invitation of a Chamber of Commerce committee to explain the ap plication of Southern Natural Gas before the Federal Power Commission for a proposed raise in rates, The meeting has been set for p.m. at the chamber of the Civic Affairs Committee. ACTOR HAS OPERATION HOLLYWOOD (P) Actor Burt Lancaster underwent an emergency appendectomy today, Cedars of Lebanon Hospital report ed. he was in good condition after the surgery.

He was stricken and taken to the hospital last night. SHOE SALE VALUES TO 9.95 VALUES TO 11.95 -Varsity Vogues, Glamour Debs and odd lots. Lifestrides in dress and Flats, casuals and some casual styles. little heels. NOW NOW4.99 6.99 VALUES TO 12.95 VALUES TO 21.95 All- Fall and Winter Finest.

Fall and Winter. Naturalizer Shoes. selection of Debs. 8.99 10.99 SPECIAL GROUP HANDBAGS price De Shields SHOES in fioris.

The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.