Released - Pokemon This Gym of Mine (2025)

Any plugins or premade sprites have been instrumental to this game's development.
Please make me immediately aware of any issues involving missing or omitted credits.

Pokemon Essentials v20.1:
Poccil (Peter O.)
Based on MKXP by Ancurio et al.
With contributions from:
AvatarMonkeyKirby, Marin, Boushy
MiDas Mike, Brother1440, FL.
PinkMan, Genzai Kawakami, Popper, help-14
Rataime, IceGod64, Savordez, SoundSpawn
Jacob O. Wobbrock, the__end, KitsuneKouta
Wachunga, Lisa Anthony, Venom12, Near Fantastica, Luka S.J.

v20.1 Hotfix:

Smogon XY/SM/SS Sprite Project
Project: Generation 6
Pokemon Essentials 18.1
Jumping Gen 6 Pokemon Icons
ShinxHero's Pokemon XYORAS Cries

Battler Sprites:
Gen 1-5 Pokemon Sprites - veekun
Gen 6 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon X/Y Sprite Project
Gen 7 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sun/Moon Sprite Project
Gen 8 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sword/Shield Sprite Project
Overworld Sprites
Gen 6+ Berry Tree Overworlds - Anarlaurendil
Gen 6 Pokemon Overworlds - princess-pheonix, LunarDusk, Wolfang62, TintjeMadelintje101, piphybuilder88
Gen 7 Pokemon Overworlds - Larry Turbo, princess-pheonix
Gen 8 Pokemon Overworlds - SageDeoxys, Wolfang62, LarryTurbo, tammyclaydon
Gen 1-5 Pokemon Overworlds - MissingLukey, help-14, Kymoyonian, cSc-A7X, 2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666, kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5, Zyon17,LarryTurbo, spritesstealer, LarryTurbo
Icon Sprites
Gen 1-6 Pokemon Icon Sprites - Alaguesia
Gen 7 Pokemon Icon Sprites - Marin, MapleBranchWing, Contributors to the DS Styled Gen 7+ Repository
Gen 8 Icon Sprites - Larry Turbo, Leparagon
Cry Credits:
Gen 1-6 Pokemon Cries - Rhyden
Gen 7 Pokemon Cries - Marin, Rhyden
Gen 8 Pokemon Cries - Zeak6464
Script Credits:
Golisopod User, Luka S.J.
Compilation of Resources:
Golisopod User, UberDunsparce

# #
# Gen 4 OW Collection #
# #
# Compiled & Created by Vanilla Sunshine #
# With help from Neo-Spriteman, #
# Purple Zaffre, Maicerochico, and Atomic Reactor #
# #
# Intended for use with Mr. Gela's Trainer Sprites and PBS. #
# #
# #

** Credits **

Neo-Spriteman - Originally formatting most HGSS OWs for RMXP

Vanilla Sunshine - Formatting the OWs missing from Neo's resource for RMXP
Formatting most DPPt OWs for RMXP
Animating the Object boulder file
Creating the following Custom OWs:
trchar017 - Bug Catcher (HGSS)
trchar020 - Ninja Boy
trchar049 - Scientist
trchar067 - Teacher
trchar083 - Skier
trchar116 - Poke Maniac
trchar128 - Aroma Lady
trchar130 - Bird Keeper M
trchar131 - Bird Keeper F
trchar134 - Poke Fan M
trchar136 - Poke Fan F
trchar142 - Gentleman
trchar157 - Rocket Grunt M
trchar158 - Rocket Grunt F
trchar177 - Young Couple (DPPt)
trchar178 - Young Couple (HGSS)

PurpleZaffre - Ripping & Formatting the following OWs:
NPC 83 - Looker
NPC 84 - Charon
NPC 85 - Chubby Man (Beta/Unreleased)
NPC 86 - Spikey Hair (Beta/Unreleased)
NPC 87 - Blushy Girl (Beta/Unreleased)
NPC 88 - Director (Beta/Unreleased)
Creating the following Custom OWs: (Commissioned by Maicerochico)
trchar107 - Gambler
trchar117 - Dragon Tamer
trchar118 - Breeder M
trchar120 - Breeder F
trchar146 - Veteran

AtomicReactor - Creating the following Custom OWs:
trchar124 - Ranger M
trchar126 - Ranger F

Outdoor Tilesets:

SailorVicious (Formerly known as Heavy-Metal-Lover)
Gen 4 Trainer Sprites:

Mr. Gela/theo#7722
Gen 4 Indoor Tileset:

Akizakura16 (Aki)

Gen 1-5 Pokemon Sprites - veekun
Gen 6 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon X/Y Sprite Project
Gen 7 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sun/Moon Sprite Project
Gen 8 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sword/Shield Sprite Project

Overworld Sprites

Gen 6+ Berry Tree Overworlds - Anarlaurendil
Gen 6 Pokemon Overworlds - princess-pheonix, LunarDusk, Wolfang62, TintjeMadelintje101, piphybuilder88
Gen 7 Pokemon Overworlds - Larry Turbo, princess-pheonix
Gen 8 Pokemon Overworlds - SageDeoxys, Wolfang62, LarryTurbo, tammyclaydon
Gen 1-5 Pokemon Overworlds - MissingLukey, help-14, Kymoyonian, cSc-A7X, 2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666, kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5, Zyon17,LarryTurbo, spritesstealer, LarryTurbo

Icon Sprites

Gen 1-6 Pokemon Icon Sprites - Alaguesia
Gen 7 Pokemon Icon Sprites - Marin, MapleBranchWing, Contributors to the DS Styled Gen 7+ Repository
Gen 8 Icon Sprites - Larry Turbo, Leparagon

Cry Credits:

Gen 1-6 Pokemon Cries - Rhyden
Gen 7 Pokemon Cries - Marin, Rhyden
Gen 8 Pokemon Cries - Zeak6464

Script Credits:

Golisopod User, Luka S.J.

Compilation of Resources:

Golisopod User, UberDunsparce

Essentials Deluxe:

BW Party Screen:
DeepBlue PacificWaves,Shashu-Greninja, Golisopod User

BW Summary Screen:
DeepBlue PacificWaves, Tommaniacal, Lucidious89, Weibrot, Kobi2604, Dirkriptide, Ploaj, Mr. Gela, Shashu-Greninja, Golisopod User

Auto Multi Save:

Trainer Sprites:
Mr. Gela/theo#7722

Overworld Sprites:
Vanilla Sunshine, Neo-Spriteman, Purple Zaffre, Maicerochico, and Atomic Reactor

Improved AI Plugin:

Triple Triad Booster Packs:

Script Gen 9 and Adapting PLA for v20:

PBS for Gen 9:
-PorousMist (Updated the abilities, items, and moves description)
-DJChaos (TM Items)

Pokemon Gen 9 Battler Sprites:
The-King-Of-Roads-X, Mak, leParagon, Caruban, Azria, Mashirosakura, Katten, jinxed

Battler Sprites QC:

Pokemon Gen 9 icons:

Pokemon Gen 9 Followers:
Azria, DarkusShadow

Pokemon Gen 9 Cries:
Edited from Lightblade Absol Gen 9 Cries compilation video


Gen 9 item icons:
-lichenprincess (Tera Orb, Bamboos, Tera Shards, Mirror Herb, Loaded Dice, Leader Crest, and Kubfu Scrolls, Booster Energy, Gimmighoul coin, TM Material, Kofu's Wallet)
-Caruban (Punching Glove, Auspicious Armor, Malicious Armor, Ability Shield, Clear Amulet, Covert Cloak, Scarlet&Violet Book)

Original Pokémon: Legends Arceus Expansion Script :
-StCooler (Original script for Gen 8 Project in v18 and Status sprites)
-PorousMist and curryofthepast (Adapting the script for v19.1 use)

PLA item icons :
-AztecCroc, 3DJackArt, Caruban, lichenprincess

Pokemon cries ripped:

Pokeballs battle animation and summary icon:
-WolfPP (Beast ball battle animation)

PLA Pokémon icons:


PLA Sprites from Smogon Gen8 Sprite Project :
-Blaquaza, KingOfThe-X-Roads, KattenK, Travis, G.E.Z., SpheX, Hematite

Gen 4 Style Version
Gen 9 sprites:
KingOfThe-X-Roads, Mak, Red7246, Vent, Caruban, leParagon, Sopita_Yorita, Z-nogyroP,
Alxndre~◇, Mashirosakura, NanaelJustice, KRLW890

PLA sprites:
Travis, KingOfThe-X-Roads, Blaquaza, leParagon, Red7246, G.E.Z., Katten, Vent, Cesare_CBass, AlexandreV2.0, PKMNTrainerRick., CarmaNeko, JWNutz, Erkey830

Gen 9 Icons:
Vent, Katten, leParagon, Cesare_CBass

PLA Icons:
LuigiTKO, Pikafan2000, Cesare_CBass, Vent, Cesare_Cbass, MultiDiegoDani, leParagon, JWNutz
and thanks for
Pokémon Icons Act 2.9 - Teracristalizando

Full Sprites Credit List:


Music (from khinsider):
Playing with Psychos - Live a Live
Jubilife City - Pokemon DPP
Battle! Wild Pokemon - Pokemon DPP
Wild Pokemon Defeated! - Pokemon DPP
Battle! Trainer - Pokemon BW
Victory Against Trainer! - Pokemon BW
Battle! Gym Leader - Pokemon BW
Victory Against Gym Leader! - Pokemon BW
Battle! (Gym Leader) - Pokemon XY
Victory! (Gym Leader) - Pokemon XY
Beach Volleyball Massacre - Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass
Game Corner - Pokemon DPP
Temporal Spire - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers

Special thanks to:
Lukas Alexander

Released - Pokemon This Gym of Mine (2025)


What is Pokémon This gym of Mine? ›

This Gym of Mine is a fanmade Pokémon game where you choose a type and play as a new gym leader! Please keep in mind this is not an official subreddit and is solely created for fans of the game to ask questions, get answers, and share their adventures!

How to evolve Seadra in This gym of Mine? ›

Trade your Seadra.

Once the other player receives Seadra, its evolution will start and will then change to Kingdra. Seadra will only evolve when traded while it's holding the Dragon Scale. Trading without a Dragon Scale will not evolve Seadra. Leveling up and gaining experience will not trigger Seadra's evolution.

How do I get to the starter pack in this gym of mine? ›

The Starter Park is a location accessed through the Commercial District in Umbal City where the Gym Leader can catch starter Pokémon from Generations I through VIII. Players are able to reach the Starter Park after Reputation Rank 2 that opens up the Commercial District.

How do I get money in this gym of mine? ›

The Gym Leader is able to earn passive income daily through developing Umbal City by constructing buildings in the city and it's Commercial District in designated spots.

Are there legendaries in Pokémon This gym of Mine? ›

Is it possible to at some point get, catch and use legendary pokémon? No. No gym leaders ever used legendary Pokemon, so I personally don't think it makes sense in this game either.

Why was Pokémon gym removed? ›

We will remove PokéStops or Gyms from Pokémon GO for a very specific and limited set of reasons: There's no longer safe pedestrian access to the location. The PokéStop or Gym obstructs or interferes with Emergency Services' ability to perform normal operations.

How to evolve Eevee into Umbreon in This Gym of Mine? ›

Evolve into an Umbreon by leveling up Eevee during the nighttime while it has high friendship. ​Set Eevee as your Buddy in Pokémon Go and walk 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) to collect 2 Candies. Evolve into Espeon during the day or into Umbreon at night.

Can I evolve Seadra into Kingdra? ›

The only way to evolve Seadra into Kingdra is by trading with another player while the Pokemon holds the Dragon Scale item. This means you must connect online and find somebody willing to help you.

How to evolve Sliggoo in Pokémon This Gym of Mine? ›

Sliggo evolves at Level 50 in the rain. If it's not raining where you are in game when it reaches Level 50, level it up in the rain and it will evolve.

Can you use other types in this gym of mine? ›

" A gym leader is only allowed to use a single Type of Pokémon. However, other Pokémon Types can be used if they know the Gym's Signature Move. Even then, only two Pokémon can be used this way. Make sure to keep an eye on your team before starting the day."

Is there a speed up button in Pokémon This gym of Mine? ›

At the moment, a speed up button isn't planned to be added.

How to get rare candies in Pokémon This gym of Mine? ›

Rare Candy Man is an NPC in Umbal City that sells various vitamins, held items, and rare candy. Rare Candy Man can be found in Umbal Inn.

Why isn t my Pokémon earning coins in the gym? ›

Once you've reached the daily Defender bonus limit of 50 PokéCoins, you won't be able to earn any more PokéCoins by defending Gyms until the next day. If you have more than one Pokémon return from defending Gyms in a single day, the maximum bonus for the day is still limited to 50 PokéCoins.

How do I claim my Pokémon from the gym? ›

A Gym controlled by a rival team can be claimed by defeating the Pokémon on the Gym. Each time you defeat a rival Pokémon, you reduce its motivation. When a Pokémon's motivation is reduced to zero, it will leave the Gym and return to its Trainer the next time it loses a battle.

How long is Pokémon This gym of Mine? ›

Main Story49h 58m
Main + Extras312h 21m
All PlayStyles815h 14m

What Pokémon does Kabu have? ›

Kabu's Pokémon

Kabu uses three fire-type Pokémon, with his Centiskorch also having a dual bug-typing. As with the other gym leaders, he'll Gigantamax his Centiskorch when he throws it out, so save your Dynamax until then to keep things easy.


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Article information

Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Last Updated:

Views: 5719

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.