How to Work Your Key Fob for Your RAM | Nicholasville KY | Near Lexington, Danville, Versailles & Frankfort (2025)

How to Work Your Key Fob for Your RAM | Nicholasville KY | Near Lexington, Danville, Versailles & Frankfort (1)

When you come in to get anew RAM truckfrom us atMontgomery Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram , you're going to get a RAM key fob with it. Now, we all knowwhat a key fob is and what it looks like. It's not a newinvention, after all, having been created in the 1980s. Sincethen, and even in the past decade alone, the capability of the keyfob has come an incredibly long way. Your RAM key fob can do morethan you might realize —keep reading to learn every capability of your RAMs key fob.

How to Work Your Key Fob for Your RAM | Nicholasville KY | Near Lexington, Danville, Versailles & Frankfort (2)

RAM 1500 Key Fob Capabilities

1. Lock/Unlock Feature

The Keyless Enter 'n Go feature of your model ramps up theconvenience that's delivered to you by your RAM key fob. You canlock or unlock your doors and also your tailgate, including theliftgate, swing gate and trunk. Plus, you can roll down or roll upyour model’s windows without fully starting the vehicle! Press theengine start button once without pressing the brakes. This willallow your car to enter the “ACC,” or accessory mode. Access yourwindshield wipers and windows all at the push of a button!

2. Remote Start Feature

If your RAM is equipped with remote start, you can start or shutdown the engine from up to 300 feet away from the vehicle. Simplypush and release the remote start button (x2 with a circle) on thekey fob twice within five seconds. You’ll hear your vehicle’sengine start immediately, and it’ll continue running for 15minutes before shutting down. How can you manually shut off yourengine without waiting for the 15-minute cycle to end? Push thebutton a third time.

3. Infotainment Feature

With your key fob, enter the ACC mode to access your vehicle’sradio! If you press the engine start button an additional time,you'll enter the "Run" mode, wherein you can access the instrumentcluster and climate control system.

How to Work Your Key Fob for Your RAM | Nicholasville KY | Near Lexington, Danville, Versailles & Frankfort (3)

Key Fob Battery Replacement | How To | 2021 Ram 1500 DT

FAQs About the RAM 1500 Key Fob

If your key fob has an issue and it's not working properly, youlikely just need to reprogram it. Lucky you for, RAM 1500 keyfob programming is quite easy. Just follow these steps below!

  1. Without pressing the brakes, hit the engine start button untilit is in "Run" mode.
  2. Once the chimes in your truck stop, press and hold the"Unlock" button on your RAM 1500 key fob for 10 seconds.Release.
  3. As you're releasing the "Unlock" button, press and release the"Panic" key.
  4. Once you hear a chime, press the button(s) that you need toreprogram.
  5. Turn your ignition off to end programming.

As we mentioned, you can access your window controls and evenwindshield wiper and radio controls by clicking the start enginebutton until it's in "ACC," or accessory mode.

In the back of your key fob, you can open a compartment thatholds a traditional key. Take that key out and unlock yourvehicle the old fashioned way. Then, take the bottom end of thekey and hold it against the engine ignition button, press thebrakes and press the button with the key. Your truck willrecognize the key and start up!

This is the same process as when you need to start it withoutyour key fob. Get the regular key out of the back of the fob,press it against the ignition, press the brake and you're goodto go! You can also replace your key fob battery and use thefob.

The price to replace your key fob can range between $500 to$600, depending on which RAM model/trim you own. If you justneed a new key fob battery or a RAM 1500 key fob cover, thosewill naturally cost a lot less, and you likely won't pay anymore than about $40 for both items together.

Montgomery CDJR Near Lexington is Here for You

Key fobs have made the driving life a lot more convenient.However, they can come with issues if you're unsure of how tooperate them when their batteries die or need reprogramming.Thanks to Montgomery CDJR in Nicholasville, KY, you can now drivewith the confidence that, if something does go wrong, you'll haveno problem fixing it.

And if things don't resolve themselves like you hoped they would,you're always welcome to come to our location at1010 Elizabeth Street, Nicholasville, KY 40356where our service experts can diagnose and fix the issue for you.We look forward to serving our customers from Lexington, Danville,Versailles and Frankfort!

How to Work Your Key Fob for Your RAM | Nicholasville KY | Near Lexington, Danville, Versailles & Frankfort (2025)


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